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(Sorry if some of it..doesn't make sense)
Todoroki's pov:
I opened my eyes.... as everything looked different....... the room was black as the lights were dim... I turned and sow needles and syringes.... I didn't like the environment one bit... I tried to get up but my hands and legs are tied up in some wooden shair....
"You're finally awake..."
I turned my head and had a glimpse of boy who resembles Midoriya...
"Midoriya??" I questioned, as the boy took a few steps closer...
then he picked up the stringe as a suspicious liquid was inside....
"You know Todoroki... I always liked you..." Midoriya said with a sinster smile...
"Midoriya  what happened??? you..."Midoriya interrupted me..
"Shhhhhh...." He said as his finger was on his lips
I shared at the stringe with terror, as he was holding it and walked closer towards me...
"I always wondered what happens if fire and ice is mixed with mercury..."
my eyes widen.....
"Well this is only a experiment... so..." the greened haired villain said as he injected me with the toxin...
"It should take an effect pretty soon." Midoriya said with a smile
Then I felt a burning sensation..... and then with just that the burning sensation worsten until I was trying to hold the unnatural pain...
"So it worked...." midoriya said as he took notes....
"Why are you doing this Midoriya!!!!!" I cried out in pain....
"I'm doing this our love Todoroki.... it's for us..." midorya said with a smile
"Love??? My pain is your love?" I said in disgust,
"Yes.... Todoroki~kun...." 
Then the burning sensation slowly stop as I felt my vision turned to a faded green color...
then the green haired freak took more notes....
I looked at him with disgust and shivered in fear on what else he would do....
"Oh why the long face."
I didn't say a word....
"Oh Todoroki~ don't ignore me... I'm just doing this out of pure love...."
I still didn't say a word...
Then the greened hair freak frowned
"If your not going to stay anything.... (his expression changes) I'm going to have to make you." He said as he grabbed another syringe....
With that action my eyes widen....
"Don't worry Todoroki~kun it's not going to hurt one bit...."
I tryed to move or do anything, but I couldn't...
..... I thought about my quirk and trying to willed it but it didn't activate....
Then Midoriya got closer and closer.... until I finally spoken...
"Stop!!!!" I cried out....
"Oh... your finally speaking to me."
"Please..... let me go there's no point of doing this.... wait all do anything!!!! Ahhh.... you wouldn't even do this!!!! Why did you pick their side as a villain!!!!! You wanted to be a hero right !!!!" I stated....
"Oh because it's fun.. I mean I was never going to be a hero anyway.... I'm weak!!! Even though, I have a quirk...I'm still going to be weak as what kacchan said..."
then he plunged the syringe deep in my arm as I let out a small cry...
"I love the sound of your pain....."
"Shut up! you sick freak." I said in disgust....
then slowly.... world started to fade vision started to black out
............then everything as all black......
to be continued....

Villain Deku x Todoroki Where stories live. Discover now