Progress report no.4

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I looked at the pale boy nearly shaking.... it was like he was crying or something.....  like he was trying to stop something that isn't going to happen.....
"Todoroki kun..... I h-have to d-do this....."
Then just as I thought he opened the cage and held the stringe tightly around his hand....
I made a full attempts to activate my quirk but nothing...
The only thing I can do at this point is beg
"Wait Midoriya!!!! Stopppp!!! I'm pretty sure you don't want to do it!!!!! Please stop!!!!!!!!!!!" I cried out.... now I should get a little serious.... okay now I'm freaking out....
"Midoriya stopppp!!!! Please I'll do anything!!!!!!! Besides that!!!!!!" I cried out louder then before...
But Midoriya just smiled....
"I'm sorry todo....." then the needle stabbed on my side....
I cried out as the liquid entered my body.....
I was on the ground...::.
The pain won't stop.....
My vision started to blur.....
Then Midoriya fall to the ground gasping....
... it seems like he was crying....
"I'm sorry...... I just can't stop myself from hurting you Todo~kun...."
then Midoriya looked at me as his eyes where bright green....
"I can't control myself todo~<3"
My eyes widen as his eyes were all watery
Then I felt a feeling in my chest
A different feeling... like pain
"Todo~kun.... do you know I love you...... ever since the day I told you about your fire quirk......" he said as his right eye turned red.....
"What's going on??? Midoriya..." I cried out

He backed up...
"Leave todo leave before it controls me..."
"What controls you...." I cried out
"Leave!!!!!!!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs as blue lighting surrounds him...
Then I booked it out as my vision was still blurry...:
Then I heard a scream from behind....
I kept running and noticed I was in a forest.....
"Where am I?" I asked myself.....
But I knew I didn't have any time as Midoriya might go after me again......
I heard a whisper
Then I sow a little girl with moon light hair....
"Hide here...." she said
Then I follow her underneath a treestrunk.....
then I heard foot steps....
It was Midoriya.... but different.... he was covered in red veins around him and lighting...
"Todoroki!!!!!!!!" He cried out l
His eyes were a beaming red......
"Follow me..." the girl whispered as she went under a hole..... I followed
Then we both slide down reaching  some underground world....
"Welcome to are hideout...." she said as it was like a city....
Then I heard a familiar voice....
"Hello Young Todoroki...."
"Wait why are you here what happen...."
then ALLMIGHT looked down sadden
"Half of the population in japan have been wiped by the villains..... currently the villains took over all of japan....." he said
"And why aren't you trying to stop them." I asked
"Because 80% of heroes got killed...."
"Even my dad." I said coldly hoping he say yes....
"No not your father... he survived...."
I nodded....
Then I sow momo!!!
"Todoroki!!! Shoto!!!! Your alive!!!!" She cried as she hugged me...then she noticed my health
"What did that deku did!!!! Your look pale and weak..." she said
I then lost Consciousness........

Deku pov

I was having a battle with my mind... fight those inner demons.... my love for Todoroki was getting stronger.... I wish he could be mine
"You want him to be yours." A voice said
"Then let's form a contract shall we.... with this passion and hunger for more power..." the voice said
I thought about it
"Y-yes...." I replied
then I felt my whole body getting taken over by something unknown.... I couldn't fight it either... until I was in a classroom.....
But what's odd is I sow Todoroki....
"Todo~kun." I said with a smile.... 
I touched his hair... it was soft and glowing
Then I looked at his red orbs....
"Wait red orbs?" I said to myself
"Now to seal the contract" he said as he kissed me...
"It's sealed...."
I blushed madly as he smiled....
but he was different though...he look really different.... when he smile he had fangs and his eyes where red and somehow cat like....
This isn't Todorok..."
That's what I thought about but I didn't care if it was him or not....
Then I went back to reality as I was in the forest....
"I have to find him...."

To be continued....

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