The heart beats

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Todo POV
I have to think about it.... I mean Midoriya looked at me with those innocent eyes..... when I say yes I had a feeling...... regret..... not in a bad way but wait it isn't regret but I'm uncertain.... I mean I never been in a relationship with a boy..... but this uncertainty is sorta hurting me....
"Todoroki?kun...." Midoriya muttered....
I snapped out of my thoughts and stared into those green orbs....
"You seem lost in thought...." he said
"I'm sorry I guess my thoughts have taken over......"
Midoriya pov:
I looked at my todo kun as my chest was hurting l... I felt like he is regretting his decision.....
"Maybe he is... look at him!!!!!!! He probably regrets it."
I took another glance....
this feeling again.... the same feeling when I lost control.......
I tried to fight it and I did.....
I have too..... I can just go on a rampage again....
Then Todoroki have gotten up about to leave the room....
"Todoroki~kun? Where are you going?" I asked
"Going to check on the others....." he replied....
Then as the door close.....I fell on my bed hearing my heart beating.
Ba bump....
Ba bump....
Ba bump....
ba bump.....
Ba bump.....
Ba bump....
Everything blacks out.....
(Authors note: This will explain more about Deku!!! And something hidden inside of him)
I'm in a dark room.....
"You're heart stopped again...."
I looked up and sow Todoroki.... I mean not!!! But he looks different I mean his white hair looks off ... i mean sorta grey....
"It did..."
"Yes I guess I have to restore it!!!"
Then not Todoroki have walked towards me as his hand touched my chest
"You're restored... but your body is getting weaker... I mean your almost there."
"What do you mean?"
"Your slowly becoming.... a supernatural spirit......... I'm here to get you to that path I mean you can play a role to finally have Todoroki to love you don't you want that?"
"Yes I mean..... I really do...." I said
Then the Not Todoroki held my hand tightly..... his red orbs look into my green orbs.....
"Who are you really?" I asked
"I'm sorry but you aren't in that stage to learn who I am....."
I looked down
"But you are ready for more info...."
I nodded....
"Well to explain you were experimented on since you were a child.... also you had a quirk which got removed so they can be able to inject you with some supernatural blood.... which why I'm here.... you see I wasn't like this before but a former hero.... but I cannot quite remember what quirk I had or my name but I know my purpose..... so young one I would like to give some advice do not trust the heroes... you are just an experiment..... and with that one for all quirk you got here... it was supposed to happen... I mean ALLMIGHT isn't that heroic as he seem to be..."
I couldn't believe it.... I was experimented too!!!!
And I had a quirk!!!!!!
Then I heard a loud trumpet!!!!!
I looked up as I was in another world like I assume some heaven like place....
"Oh that's the first trumpet!!! Your almost there just six more to go!!!"
Then not Todoroki smiled as a pair of black wings sprouted!!!
Back to the real world .
I got up and it was night... I'm still in that room..: but i feel different I mean I can see in the dark more clearly then before...
I looked down and sow those chains...
"You need a hand."
I turned and sow Not Todoroki...
"Wait how..."
then not Todoroki touched the restraints as he and the restraints disappeared..
I felt free.... then I got up and took simple steps....
And opens the door .....
"What a long hallway...."
then I felt something sharp in my teeth....
I touched it and it felt like if I had fangs...
"Seems faster then I thought...."
I looked around then I sow a window
I jumped and I started floating down....
and I landed the ground... I looked up at the full moon and smiled at it's beauity....

Todo pov

I took a little stroll until I sow deku laying down looking up at the moon
"Midorya!!!" I called out
Then midorya turned........
"Todo~kun..." He said as he jumped and floated towards me....
The question is when did he learn how to float.
"Todo kun!!!!"
He grabbed me and kissed me.....
it was different....
"I'm glad you found me." He said
I held him into a embrace....
"Todoroki... do you love me yet....."
I didn't say a word
"Do you love me....." Midoriya cried out...
"Yes..." I replied....
Then midorya grabbed my face and pulled it closer
Midoriya looked at me with those eyes.....
"Prove it todo!!!!"
This feeling again!!!
But it's faint
"Deku...." I said
Deku looked at me with sadden eyes
"It's I'm still not sure yet I mean I don't think I have mutual feelings for your standards." I replied

Deku pov:
Those weren't the words I wanted todo~kun.....
I felt a deep pain in my chest... I was crushed....
"Todo~kun..." I said in a urge of crying
Then Todoroki gave me another hug
"I'm sorry Midoriya I just need some time to find those feeling so I can return them...." Todoroki replied....
I looked at him and slightly smiled... I just knew I couldn't hold it anymore my heart was trying to pump blood but my heart was in so much pain that it stopped....
everything blacked out.....
Todo POV:
I sow Midoriya collapsing
"Midorya!!!!!" Then I put my head on his chest to hear a heart beat but no heart beat
"Shit!!! What did you do Midoriya!" I cried out and started performing CPR....
But all the pressure I did didn't work....
Deku pov
"Again.... I see..."
then I looked around noticing there were already 5 trumpets...
"Look your almost there just two more to go..."
"Well this bring a end to my suffering."
Not Todoroki nod....

Todo POV:
I carried him and rushed him back in the hospital....
Then in my luck I sow Aki...
"Aki Midoriya is in trouble!!! His heart stopped beating!!!!"
"Damn we Better hurry we only have a couple of minutes to revive him!!!"she said as she told me to put him down....
then she press a button which I assume alert the staff....
the Aki used her quirk which was electricty
"Wait you have two quirks?" I asked
But she didn't replied but cut Midoriyas clothing showing is a really toned chest..
Then she rubbed her hands cashing static and using her quirk
"Dammmittttr!!!!!!" She cried out
Deku pov:
"You know we are almost close,"
Then I sow lighting boits forming around
"Well I must revive you...."

Todo POV:

Then in a blink of an eye deku gasped.... panting...
To be continued

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