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Todo pov:

I opened my eyes and noticed I was on a soft bed....
"Shoto!!!!!" Momo said with a smile....
I rise up as I felt my quirk activate which was my right side.....
"I can use my quirk now...."  (in head)
"Todoroki....." The blacked hair girl muttered,
"Y-yes..." I replied....
"You been acting different towards me...." she said in a sad tone....
"What do you mean...."
"Do you even remember what we had... I mean you used to show more effection towards me...."
I looked at her puzzled, I didn't understand what she was talking about;
"Do you know what I'm even talking about." She asked with concern....
I shook my head.... not knowing what in the world she was talking about....
Then she sighed... sadden by my reply.....
"We were dating Todoroki..."
I still look puzzled.... I mean I dated her.... I don't remember dating her....
Then I assume a doctor walked in and pulled momo aside

Momo's pov

"I'm sorry but Mr.Todoroki is dealing with some Shockholm syndrome....and a small Percentage of amnesia...."
I started to cry... I couldn't believe it.... I lost my Todoroki to that "Deku bastard"
"I'm sorry.... but it cannot be cured... he is already in a advanced state...." then the doctor walked away leaving me speechless......
I nod a bit but is heartbroken on what the doctor had to say... but I knew it can't be helped and walked back to the room where Todoroki was....

Todo POV:
Momo walked in looking upset....:
"Momo are you okay..." I asked,
"Yes I'm fine..." she said with a smile.....
I nodded and looked around...

Deku's pov
I was stuck here.... in a loop...... it's like I'm losing humanity..... but my Urge of getting Todoroki back is stronger then before.....
"Todoroki..." I said with a smile.......
I have gotten up and snapped back into Reality....
I was on the ground as the sun was beaming on my eyes....
"Hey deku what are you doing here on the ground." A blonde girl with buns said with curious tone.
"Oh cloud gazing." I replied....
Then Toga  looked at me in a weird way .
"You have it too..."
"Have what." I asked
"Those red eyes... that arge to someone you love.... someone your really want....."
I smiled.... and nod
"I have it too..... it's like it's controlling us....."
I smiled and looked up....
Then Toga walked closer towards me... then from behind she hugged me...
"I'm glad I ain't the only one........... it seems like we are both losing humanity one way or the other..."
I smiled still looking up at the beautiful clouds

Todo POV:
As I kept looking out the window a heard a door opened.... it was a doctor I didn't know and some of my classmates....
Tokoyami, Uranaka, and Tsuyu... and that weird doctor...
"I'm glad your alive..." said Uranaka....
"Well stop the chit chat and talk serious here." That doctor said...
[doctor: bold students and Todoroki Italics]
"Sorry...." Uranaka replied bowing...
"There's a lot of things you don't know..." said that doctor...
"Well let me first introduce myself.... I go by Aki..... and that's it... but there's so much things that, you don't know... like the enchanted weapons...."
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Well she means  a weapon to capture someone's quirk but not just there quirk but there body...." Momo interrupted
"Long ego.... a couple of scientist found a new technology for quirkless people so they can be able to fit society.... but it went wrong........ well the certain individuals with quirks well they went inside those enchanted weapons and gone crazy..... as the quickless invidivals have gotten  well in the correct terms possessed........ currently we have 5 enchanted weapons... these rest gotten destroyed.... these enchanted weapons are meant to capture and seal...."
"Isn't that Illegal...." I asked
"Yes.... well the company who started this got Sued but we were able to have these 5 weapons they created...."
"What is the purpose of these weapons." I asked
"To capture the League of villains those five weapons are to capture the main..." said Momo
"Who..." I asked....
"We are here, to asked you to capture deku..." muttered uraraka  as she teared up....
"This deku is very dangous... he helped take over japan and killed some of your class mates.... but since he has a odd connection with you.. we assume you can do it..."
"But this is crazy... these weapons... capturing...." I complained...
Then the doctor gotten up and grabbed a box...
"This is the weapon you will used to capture this Deku...."
"But...." I muttered
Then she opened the box which revealed a katana...
but it was different... it had symbols....
To describe it the katana sort of glowed and had markings all over it's hard to describe but it was beautiful....
"Be careful.... these weapons are enchanted..."tokoyami  said
"Well once you healed you must joined the Extermination unit......"
"Wait the what..."
"It's a unit and your part of that squad... each unit have 5 members.... first is Kirishima.... you.... uranaka.... tokoyami.. and I..... but I don't know if you know this but bakugou... umm"
"I know Deku told me about that..." I replied
"That's why we have to defect him!!! He killed Bakugou...." Momo said in sad tone
"But with Science we were able to revive him but in a different way...."
"Well bakugou is alive in kirishima's weapon... but he's not a human though..." Uranaka add on...
Then the doctor had a text message as she looked at it
"We have no time we must go into training!!! Todoroki will you be fine...." she asked
"Yes.." I said as I got off the bed
"Great let's go..." momo said

To be continued....

\\\\\ this was inspired by seraph of the end.... I'm quite a fan of that show...😃😃😃/////

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