I love you

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A long silence
Todo POV
I kept hugging Midoriya for a long time thinking about if I really have feelings for him.....
"Hey Todo kun....."
"Yes" I replied
"Do you love me..... I mean really love me....."
"Yes I do...."  I said not knowing if this feeling I had was love or something else
"You seem unsure....."
"I just have this odd feeling towards you and it gets stronger and stronger."
Then deku broke the hug and looked at me....with his green orbs...
"That's a sign...."
"It is." I said with a slight smile
"Uh hm." Midorya replied 
A couple of days later)
It's the day well Midoriya was finally excepted to my group... a lot of my team mates were nervously talking to him....even ALLMIGHT welcomed him back and gave me a long hug.... but Midoriya seems normal I mean he acts like his old self back in UA but a little bit more mature.... he understands his quirk better to.....
Then it was time that everyone left... as I have to stay with Midoriya....
"Todo kun....."
"Yes....." I replied
"........nothing never mind......"
"No say it...." I asked
Midoriya turned away as his cheeks turned to a taint pink
"I was thinking about......mmm.... r-relationships....." Midoriya muttered
"Relationships what kind...." I asked
"Uhh....hmmm.... you know.... the love.... relationships....."
"Oh those umm I think they are fine I mean..... wait what are you implying?"
Midoriya turned away.....
"Umm todo~kun.... ughh.........do you want to be in a relationship." Deku said in a quick pace
"I mean yes... ughh...." I said as I felt some heat
The Midoriya smiled as he hugged me....:
"You don't understand how long I wanted this to happen..." he said
I had no words but held him tightly....

to be continued.....
sorry if this chapter is short.... and very corny

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