No. 1 progress report:

7.7K 182 43

Deku's POV:

I checked on my sweet Todoroki~kun as he was sleeping.... he looked so cute~
Deku's notes
Test subject: 2Kg1
Haven't shown any side effects except for a burning sensation
• kept pleading
•shacking violently
Note to self) find out what cause the fire and ice....
Deku pov

I glanced up towards Todoroki and noticed he's awake again...
"Todoroki~kun...." I said with a smile
"Shut up.... you monster!" He cried.
"That's not very nice.... to say."
"I don't care.... you need help Midoriya!!!!" Todo cried, trying to escape....
"You can try as long as you want todo~kun but you see these Restraints are quirk proof..."
but Todoroki didn't care on what I believe, he just kept struggling... which got annoying to me.....
then I put my note pad down and turned to my desk and grabbed five of my stringes filled with liquid
"Wait not that!!!! Please not that!" Todo pleaded...
"Oh but I have to Todo~kun in order to show my love." I said nicely....
"You call that love!!!! If you actually loved me you would of set me free."
"Oh no.. todo if I did that... you will leave me!!! Leave me!!! I cannot let that happen, because that would break me.... break my heart Todo." I said innocently...
Then after I said my speech I held the stringe close to me as I walked closer to my todo....
"Wait...." Todo said struggling
"Todo~ stop struggling... it will hurt less..."
then I plunged the cold needle inside Todo's arm... I heard a cry and was satisfied ,..
Todo pov:

I was in deep pain after Midoriya placed the needle inside my arm.... I felt the same heat in my body... the pain,the burning.... I almost felt like my insides were rotting.....
"Why??? Me....." I cried out keeping myself together
"Because I love you Todo~kun ever since the battle we both had...." Midoriya said as he blushed slightly
"But this isn't the way."
"No it is the way todo~kun." Midoriya cried out...
"You're sick...." then right after I said those two words, I felt another needle entering my arm
"Well that isn't nice..... isn't it Todo~kun." Midoriya said as he licked his lips...
I shivered in fear as this new toxin made me feel colder....
"What the hell is this!!!!!" I shouted,
Midoriya laughed.... it was not a normal human laugh but a wicked laugh....
Then the pain got me as I passed out....
Flash back

Todoroki was in school looking out the window... his world was black and white as he was suffering from depression.....
"Hey Todoroki... are you okay?" Asked (good) Midoriya....
Todoroki turned towards Midorya...
"I'm fine..." Todoroki replied with a smile
Then Midoriya frowned....
"Don't lie to me your not...." he said,
Todoroki got up...
"No im fine..." Todo replied as he walked off ....
Then the flashed back fast forward
"Todo-kun please!!!!!!! Don't do this!!!!!"
Todo was standing somewhere that isn't safe...
"It's okay Midoriya... I'm finally going to be free... from all my pain..." Todoroki said with a slight smile...
"But it isn't the way Todo~kun!!!!" Midoriya cried out, as tears poured out at the corner of his eyes.
Todoroki smiled as he tried to jump but deku stopped him...
"I won't let you go that easily!!!!" Midoriya yelled out...
flash back ends)))

Todo pov

What a nightmare I thought as I looked around.... I noticed deku wasn't here... so I took the time to think about my escape...
I turned my head to the right as I sow the medications then I turned to the left as I sow weapons...
"He's really insane." I muttered as i looked down at my restraints....
"I shouldn't do it right now as Midoriya already have a plan for that... I should keep up that act..." I thought to myself
"Todo kun~"
I looked up and like I was surprised it was him... but he looked different... he was covered in blood...
"I finally beat kacchan!!! He said in laugher.
"W-what did you do...." I asked nervously.
"Oh I killed him...." Midoriya said with no emotion
My eyes widen in shock....
Then Midoriya walked closer towards me as he placed his hand on my cheek
"Your not scared are you?" He said innocently...
I didn't say a word....
then he frowned as got on his knees hugging my Torso....
"But I did it...:for us todo~kun..... now we have no interruptions accept ALLMIGHT...." he said in a dark tone
"Well sleep well my todo-kun." He said as he kissed my check...
Then he left....
as everything gone back.....

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