Both sides

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Midoriya pov:
I was in that same room again witnessing all those trumpets
"One last trumpet..... and your humanity is nearly gone....".

Earlier ego Aki POV:
"How is the experiment going?"
"Good... he's almost there...."
"Great you are doing good... keep it up...."
"Thank you...."
"I been looking forward on how this will all go..... I mean we are supposed to test Todoroki and Midoriya's ability in battle.... I mean since Midorya's quirk is bastically transferring to Todoroki I bet he would be powerful...."

"Yes sure I understand.... but Midoriya is going to be inside a enchanted weapon.... I mean..."

"Yes but just imagine... I mean this experiment is a success we can be able to destroy ALLMIGHT!!"

"Yes sir, we are close enough."

Deku's POV:
"Well will you show me who you are."
Not Todoroki smiled as his formed changed....
My eyes widen as he was taller but young looking... his eyes were glowing red as there was diamond shaped horns...
"Well hello..." he said with a smile
I looked at him in shock....
"You are almost there.... deku..."
Then I look up at the hazel sky...
"What's going to happen to me when I turned to this monster."
The demon looked at me with a smile
"You won't exist anymore..... you will lose all your emotions... your memories will fade over time.....
you won't be yourself anymore..... you will always be hungry...... and you will be angry all the time.... but the currently human part of you won't be there anymore."
"Sounds fair... will my pain in my heart stop."
"Then fair enough."

. Current time: Todo pov:
."well he really be gone."

"Tell me aki..... did you planned all this... you seem calm about this the whole entire time...."
I turned as Aki started to laugh....
"Oh no!!! You found out but it doesn't matter."
. She started to approach me as she activate her quirk.....
Then I activate my quirk!!!! As I used my fire quirk to stop her electricity currents..... then I used both fire and ice....
"Funny funny funny." Then she walked right past me I connecting And shutting the System down keeping midorya alive....
Then she held midoriya.... as she used her left hand against me....
I kept using my powers.... thinking I need to save deku!!!!
I quickly looked down and sow the enchanted weapon reappearing.
Then I held it as I Swing towards her then she lost her grip on midorya and moved towards the window....

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