No. 2 progress report

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Deku's notes...

No.1 progress report....
Todoroki was normal... I mean he didn't pleaded like yesterday....
the drug which is Relix 20 had an effect and made him colder... which failed
My experiment for today failed but not tomorrow....
end of report

Todo pov:

My eyes shot open!!!! Then I looked down and sow a small wooden table underneath me....
"Damn this is getting worst." I said to myself...
I was trying to look around for some ideas to think of a perfect  escape until I sow a small window.
"Bingo.... but I can't just escape right now though...." I thought to myself ...
I turned my head...
Then the green haired walked in with a plate of food which I believe was a Omelette as the other I did not know....
"It's morning Todo~kun!! I made you something to eat..."
"Yeah I know." I said to myself
"Then the green haired put the plate down on the wooden table likewise Midoriya sat down holding his brown chop sticks...
"He's really going to hand feed me." I said in my head
Then Midoriya used his chopsticks and grabbed a piece of the egg with his chopsticks
"Open up Todo~kun..."
with that action I thought to myself.....
"If I do agree he won't find me suspicious... if so... hmmm."
I opened my mouth as the egg touched my tongue...
I have to agree this omelett is actually good... then I thought again.... then I heard writing.... I looked up and sow Midoriya writing on that note pad again....
time passed
Midoriya finally finished hand feeding me which was slightly pleasant.... now I'm alone in the room and thought about how I can break the chains.... but then I turned my head I sow Pliers.... I thought about moving to the other end..... so I moved my shair until my fingers reached the pliers... I grabbed them and moved my stair back at the same spot....
"Todo~kunnnn." A fainted voice said.
"Shit." I had to think quickly.. until I thought of a stupid idea and with my fingers drop the pliers near my side and slightly sat on them...
then Midoriya walked in with blue lighting bots....around him....
"Todo~kun I want to know how long your quirk can with stand my quirk."
Then Midoriya gotten a little to uncomfortably close to me and gripped on my hand which was my right hand....
"This will only hurt a little bit Todo..."
then I felt a extreme pain on my hand as I heard a loud crack....
"Opps I broke your bones...."
I was still but in the inside crying out in extreme agony... as my hand went all numb...
"Crap I cannot used my right side....." I said in my head....... then Midoriya held my hand softly but towards him..... he placed my hand on his cheeks... by this position he was almost hugging my hand in the process....
"Todo you know how long I want your hand to touch me~" he said...
With that comment it made me feel weirded out a bit
He kept holding my hand until he placed his lips on my purplish skin.... then I felt a sudden pressure...
Then Midoriya stopped as he looked at the small hicky he have made...
"Now you belong to me Todo~ kun... isn't that amazing...." he said
I didn't say word....
Then Midoriya frowned and gotten up and left....

to be continued...

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