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Todoroki and the rest were all in a line
Todo POV l:
I was holding my weapon as the others Receive there weapons until I sow kirishima... his weapon had explosive markings which I assume was bakugou...
"Now kirishima why won't your show them what you got..."
kirishima smiled as he held out his weapon then Swing it as a big explosion amerged...
But I felt wrong about it... it's like we are using are friends and turn them into weapons....
"What's wring Todo..." asked momo
"I don't like this...." I said
"What you mean it's only for the villains..."
"I mean it's wrong.. I mean bakugou isn't at peace but in a weapon for how many years... it's wrong momo! Bakugou should be at peace not trapped in some weapon...." I said
"But bakugou is happy in there with kirishima...." Momo said
I shake my head is disgust...
"Now listen.... when your going to capture a villain you have to stabbed them with the sword directly at the heart... once that happens they should be absorbed in... that's once you have to have a mental battle with them until they fully surrender....."
I couldn't handle this and walked off holding the weapon tight....
"This is sick......" I said as I walked off
"Wait Todoroki!!!!" Momo cried out...
"Momo chan we aren't helping deku we r using him...." I said
Then Momo grabbed my arm...
"We are here to help deku!"
"No we are not..." I said....
Then Momo stopped as she looked sad and turned
"Did you fallen for Him...." she asked
I didn't say a word...
"I assume you did...." Momo said
"Well deku have always liked you todo... in class I remember how he glanced at you..... before he...." Momo said turning away
"I know...." I replied holding the weapon closely by my arms
"But is the reversible... I mean can we remove them away from the weapon...." I asked
"It's possible but the owner have to Sacrifice themselves... be it's dangous...." Momo said
"Why do these weapons exist.. these a dangous.... I said
"They are but what more can we do.. the villains took over japan!!! And 80% of the heroes got killed... they must be punished for what they have done Todoroki!!!! We can just let them get away with this...."
She had a point
"Now please let's continue are training..." she said
Then once training was over
I held my weapon tightly around my hands....
"Why do we have to use weapons I mean we have quirks right...."
"Well it may be easier... but it's only to capture these villains...."
I didn't know what to do but I know if deku will be in this weapon there's a chance he won't come back.....
But I kept that in thought thinking about Midoriya....
to be continued

Villain Deku x Todoroki Where stories live. Discover now