They are monsters!!!!

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Todo POV:

I sow deku in his hero outfit???? And well... umm...
"Be careful Todoroki...."
I turned to Aki and nod...
"Todo~kun!!!!!!!!!! I been dying to see you again... so I've thought you were never coming back but I guess it was meant to be....." Deku cried out.....
"Do what you have to do Shoto...." Momo said as she ran the opposite direction....
"Hey!!!! You BASTARD!!!!!" Bakugou shouted out....
Deku's eyes widen....
"Wait your alive!!!! I thought I killed you!!!!" Midoriya said with a smile as blue lighting bolts surround him, ready to strike....
"Not in a million years deku..." as Bakugou held out a sword...
"Wait you are seriously going to fight me with a sword!!! That isn't a kacchan way of fighting..." Midoriya laughed....
"You really are a Moron...." Bakugou said as he started to run towards him... but I stopped him with my ice...
"This is my fight...." I said
"What!!!!" Bakugou yelled out...
Then I Signaled my katana as he nods and rushed out of the way
"Kacchan!!!! where do you think you're going!!!!" Midoriya cried out...
But bakugou surprisingly didn't pay any attention towards Midoriya....
Then deku turned to me and walked slowly towards me
"You finally love me todo~kun...."
Then I heard Aki voice echoing through my head....
"Remember try to please deku ..."
"Yes...." I said was a smile
Then midoriya eyes widen as he rushed toward me in a un human speed....
then are lips touched and It was soft....
That feeling... again
Then deku pulled back looking up at me with his green orbs
"What did they did to you Todo~kun!!!! Did they hurt you.." he said touching my cheeks
"No..." I said holding my katana tightly...ready to stike
"Good I wouldn't want my Todo being brainwashed by them... I mean they are the evil ones..."
Right after that last sentence...Midoriya  hugged me then he slowly rest his head on my chest
"Todo~kun.... you shouldn't trust the heroes.... they are just using you...." Midoriya said....
"Using me...." I asked
Deku looked up at me with his glowing green orbs
"Yes using you.."
"These heroes are capturing quirks... and embedding them in weapons of all kinds.... they might do that to you Todo~kunnnn..." Midoriya  said in worry
My grip Loosen on the given katana
I never thought but I sorta believe Midoriya....
"Midoriya is this true..." I asked....
Midoriya looked at me with widen eyes and nods quickly.. then he looks down at my weapon...
"They are using you aren't they... wait!!!! Are you trying to kill me..." Midoriya said stepping back
I held my katana tightly and aim it toward him but midorya pushed my katina back as it fell to the ground then I active my quirk but midorya was so fast and held on to my neck
"Todo~kun.....why would you want to kill me... I mean I wouldn't mind because of all people it would be you... but why..."Midoriya said softy....
I didn't say a word .....Midorya left me speechless... it just i don't know but I'm getting this warm feeling like a urge of wanting him.... it's bad.. I mean in love with a villain that's terrible....
Then Midoriya grabbed my hand...
"Todo~ let's run away far away from villains and heroes I mean we can both live a peaceful life together....." Midoriya said....
I looked at him and thought.... part of me wants to but other part doesn't....
"Midoriya I....." I couldn't hold it much longer and pulled him towards me and embrace him then I pulled his chin up and kissed him again....
What I'm I doing
This is wrong....
I can't possibly love Midoriya
What's wrong with me...
But it's like i can't....
I pulled back taking two steps away...
"Todo kun~"
I cover my face not believing what I just did....
Then Midoriya looked at me with sadden eyes as he collapses

Midoriya's pov:
everything black out....
I opened my eyes and sow I was in the classroom again...
"Your almost there..." (Not) Todoroki said
"Yes I am...." I replied looking out the white window
"Why am I here
"It seems like your heart stopped...." (Not) Todoroki added
"Really was I really that hurt...." I said holding my chest
"Yes your heart keeps breaking down...." (Not) Todoroki said
"But I can restore that...." he added
"What are you really... are you some d-de_" I was interrupted
"Well you can say that..." (Not) Todoroki said
"Oh..." I replied....
Then I heard beeps...
"What's that."
"Seems like your in a hospital room... I should let you go." Not Todoroki replied
Then everything faded as I sow a bright light...
He was right.... I was in a hospital room and I sow Todoroki... and the rest of my fellow old classmates...
"Todoroki are you sure he's in Are side...." Momo said
"Yes." Todoroki replied....
I rise up as I noticed I was full of restraints....
"Hey I would like all of you to leave except for Todoroki."
Then everyone left except for Todoroki
"Todoroki talk to Deku... I'll give you 10 minutes."
Then aki left the room leaving Todoroki and me...
I smiled looking at Todoroki
"Todoroki~" I said smiling
"Midoriya... I...." Todoroki said looking down
"What?" I said smiling
"I don't understand why you love me so much I mean.... you did a lot of things but why do you love me???" Todoroki asked
"Because you inspire me.... you light a fire within me.... but...." I replied As i look down....
"But what...." Todoroki asked...
"Once you started dating Momo.... my heart broke.... and my pain got worst and worst until it controlled me and I lost all hope of becoming a hero..... I lost the will.... to save people.... I.... just wanted to be with you..... but..... I knew I couldn't as your eyes was on Momo....." I replied looking up at todo.
"I.... I'm... sorry... it's just I didn't know..... I never thought you'd loved me...." Todoroki replied....
Then I pulled Todoroki closer to me
.authors note: it gets really

"You still don't know my undying love for you todo~kun.... I would do anything for you..... I would even give my quirk to you if I have too.... I would even die for you.... you don't understand how much I love you todo... but it really breaks me the most is that your not in that level of loving me... I'm not even sure you have those type of feelings towards me..." I said as my heart ached.
"Midoriya...." Todoroki muttered...
"My heart is aching... it's a pain I have.... todo~kun you don't understand how much my heart aches for you.... it's an unbearable pain....." I cried out but then stopped as Todoroki embraces me...
"I never know I hurt you in that way...."

Todo POV:
I don't know what's going on but it have touched me..... all the words he have said have touched me.... I feel so guilty.... and I had to pull him towards me....
"Please stop talking...." I whispered
"To be continued"

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