No.3 progress report:

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Todo POV:

As he left the room..... I quickly gotten myself up, then I used my left fingers and grabbed the pliers... I looked around and sow the same window from before....
I turned and looked down then looked at my hands.... I grabbed the pliers and tried to cut off the chains but obviously didn't work...
"Maybe I should use my fire quirk.." I said silently...
I nervously raise my left hand which started to heat up... my a minute my fire started melting the chains then I placed my left hand on my broken right hand and melt the chains... as I continued near my feet ...
"I'm free." (In my head)
I freely.... got up and looked around for one last time.... then I cursed and booked it out by jumping out of the window....:
"I hope this works..."
then I tryied to used my ice quirk to stop my fall but it didn't work but slightly...
I slid on the ground and got up,...
I kept running until I heard the same familiar voice....
"Todo kun~...."
"Shit." I said as I slowly turned away...
"You broke my heart Todoroki...."
I started to shiver a bit and kept jogging a little... then as I took one step Deku was already in front of me....
"Todo you broke my heart!!!." He said a little louder then his hand went on his chest....
I didn't say a word..... and walked back
"It hurts todo!!!! Your actions are hurting me....." the boy cried out....
"What actions....." I asked....
Then the boy looked at me with pure evil....
then he gotten closer and with the blink of an eye his hands were around my neck as I fall on the ground...
"You will be punished Todo...."  Midoriya said with a grin as he touched my lower thigh putting force
"Should I break your legs...." he asked....
I shake my head...
Midoriya smiled as his head got closer towards my neck area
"This will be your punishment..." Midoriya said, as I felt a pain right on my collar bone as it was a bite.... I thought my my self what in the world....
I was violently shaking.....
"I'm still hurt...." he said as he stopped
"Todokunnnnn...." Midoriya moaned out.....
I'm still thinking what's in the hell is going on but I still have nothing to say but thinking of an escape...
I glanced quickly and raised my left hand and blasted him with my fire quirk...
"I'm not going to let you put me back in you're sick games Midoriya!!!! Like I said, you need help!!!!!! Your crazy!!!!!!!"
The green bastard glared at me but it was different this time.... but creepy... it's like his eyes no longer have a soul..::
I backed up a bit started from what I witness....
"That's not a very nice thing to say to a person who's in love with you todo~kun......"
I actived my quirk until was stopped by the blue lighting bolt....
....his body was filled with red lines around him and blue lighting bolts.....
"I'm sorry todo but I have to do this..."
then with a flash every thing went black

Three days later

Todo POV
I opened my eyes and felt a throbbing pain in the Back of my head.... then I rise up but noticed I was in some cage....
"So your awake.... finally..."
I looked towards the sound of the voice
I tried to activate my quirk but couldn't
It was like I didn't even have a quirk...
"What did you do to me!!!!!!" I cried out....
a pair of bloody red orbs glared at me....
"I have taken away your quirk...."
"..." I had no words...
"How?." I asked
"Oh it was easy...."
"But now you can't fight against me Todoroki kun.... isn't that wonderful.... I think it is...."
"No it isn't Midoriya...." I lashed out... hitting one of a bars....
But those red eyes glare.... back at me...,
There was something different..... Midoriya never had red orbs....
The question is what the hell happen to his green orbs....
Then that same notepad....
It was full of a black substance .....
Then as I thought....Midoriya have held a stringe with black substance....
"Wait." I said....
But he didn't say a word.....
I backed up a bit but based on this cage it's doesn't have much space....
I looked back on Midoriya but he looked lost.... his red orbs where glitching to green..... and that weird smile with switching....
To be continued••••

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