Ill do anything

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"So it was you who planned all of this out....."
Aki look at me with a glare
"Yes...." she muttered as she jumped out towards the window. Holding her book tightly
Then I turned and sow Midoriya on the ground.... he was full of black lines around him
"I have no time todo.....I'm no longer going to be human...." he cried out
"No don't say that I finally found my feelings Midoriya!!! I can be too late!!!"
"I'm sorry todo but my heart is already broken...."
"If you give me a chance I'll do anything!!!"
."it's too late!!!"
Then The black lines thicken...
"Midoriya!!!!" I cried out
"It can't be too late I finally love you!!!!" I said crying
"I'm sorry I can fight it much longer...."
It all ends here
The last trumpet have blown.....
Then Midorigas eyes widen as his orbs turned to a bloody red... then the black lines faded as he started to laugh

"Midoriya?" I called out But he didn't answer but laughed a wicked laugh "Foolish humans!!! But a tasty snack

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"Midoriya?" I called out
But he didn't answer but laughed a wicked laugh
"Foolish humans!!! But a tasty snack." He said as he ran towards me in a inhuman speed...
"Midoriya!!!this isn't you snap out of it...." I cried using my quirk but he used his and smashed my ice
Then I turned back towards the enchanted sword
.... I have to do this.....
This I used my ice to freeze deku...
Then I held him and looked at him....
He just smiled and laughed...
"I love you." I said holding the katana and
I kissed him as the blade stabbed through through his heart...
His eyes widen As he looked at me
"Todoroki... I love you too." He said as he turned into dust.. then the katana Absorb him....

Those last words.... I couldn't handle it... the pain....I finally burst! Burst into tears...:.
I held on to the katana
"Midoriya!!!! I'm so sorry!!!"
Everything fades....
To be continued

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