Chapter 5. Noah

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Kat lunged at the men. She grabbed their cloaks and pulled them off.
"It's them! From the diner!" She backed up and stood behind Noah.
"Yes, we knew there was something peculiar about our fire mysteriously going out. And we knew, the Elements are back in town," said the Hunter on the right. He had a rough voice.
"Yes, and so we followed you all here." The other man spoke this time.
"No! Impossible!" Kyle spoke up and took a step forward.
"Oh yes. Your little friend, Noah, here, led me right here. Didn't you?" The Hunter turned to Noah.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" Noah looked at Kat and nodded. She smiled.
"3...2....1!" She held her arms out. Fire burst from the walls. Kyle flicked his fingers in a circular formation. He whisked the fire towards them. Noah raised his arms, very suddenly. The water grabbed the Hunters' feet. Al clapped his hands and the vines on the wall grabbed the men. They screamed in agony and pain and struggle. Noah smiled to himself. No one messes with the Elements.
"You- will.. n-never get. Away- with th-thi- ahhhhh!!!!" The men screamed as Kat thrust her arms farther. She stepped in front of Noah and the others. Sweat trickled down her face. She closed her hands to fists slowly and then, fast as a speeding bullet, she opened them. Kat screamed in the strain as the fire engulfed them.

Noah opened his eyes to the sudden coolness. Kyle and Al stood over him, worried expressions on their faces. "Noah. Can you hear me?" Kyle bit his lip.
"Yeah," Noah croaked. His voice was hoarse. His throat hurt and he had a terrible headache. "Where am I?" He looked around. He was definitely in the cave. Just, in a different room he had never seen before.
"You don't remember," Al asked.
"Remeber what?" Noah had no idea what there was to remember.
"We made this room. It's the infirmary. You passed out right when we got here. I'm not surprised though. You were only half conscious when we got in here. You kept muttering something. It sounded like 'Kat' but I'm not sure," Kyle explained.
"Kat. Where's Kat?!" Noah jerked up. As soon as he did, his head exploded and black dots blurred his vision. He started to sink in the water he was floating on.
"Woah." Kyle pushed Noah back down, where he began floating again. "Kat is fine. She's not woken though yet."
"Oh." Noah closed his eyes. All he wanted was to be in peace and quiet. He felt his mind drift and his body sink, but he didn't care. He heard far away voices.
"Let him sleep, Al." Kyle's voice was so far away. Noah was floating away to another world.
"But nothing, Al!" Noah let go of the world as sleep came to him.

"Noah. Noah. No-"
"Leave him alone."
"Why? He's been asleep for hours."
"So? He needs it!"
"I'm with Kat in this. We need to go. Everyone will be wondering where we are."
"No, just leave it for a few more minutes."
"Alright. But just five minutes. "
"Ok. Just five minutes."

"It's been five minutes."
Noah felt somone shake his shoulder.
"Noah?" It was Kyle.
"Ugh." Noah rolled over onto his face. He breathed in the water and sighed bubbles. He heard a giggle behind him. "Geez, Kat. It feels good." She wouldn't understand. She can't breathe underwater.
"Ok then. Help me understand. You're saying that drowning yourself feels good?"
"I'm not drowning myself." Noah rolled back over and sat up to face his friends. "What time is it?" He closed his eyes again.
Kat grabbed his shoulder though. "Nope. Not again, sleepyhead." She shook him and he opened his eyes. "Look, Noah, I'm exhausted too. We all are. But we have got to get home. We've been gone for like almost three days."
"So," Noah muttered.
"So if we're gone any longer out parents might call the police."
"Ok. And?" Noah didn't understand the rush.
"Noah! They can't call the police! They'll find the Cave!" Kay seemed frustrated. Noah didnt understand why. The police would help them right?
"But, that's good. Right, guys?" He looked at Kyle and Al for help.
Kyle stepped forward. "Look, Noah, you've hit your head or something. Or your dehydrated. But, how about this, we get you home and you can sleep as long as you want. Does that sound good?" Noah thought about the offer. It was tempting.
"Ok." He let Kyle pull him out of the water.
"Um." Kat tapped Kyle on the shoulder.
"What?" He looked confused.
"Noah can't drive. He's acting like a kid and he'd probably fall asleep at the wheel. I'll drive his car. He can ride with me. Besides, I took a bus here. So I'll just take the bus home after Noah gets home."
"No, I can drive," Noah whined.
"No, you can't."
"Fine," Noah pouted. He wanted to drive.
"Sounds good," Kyle and Al agreed.

Twenty minutes later, Kat was driving Noah home. "Ok, Noah. Listen to me. You have a concussion. I am taking you home, where you are going to sleep for the rest of today and tonight. Tomorrow morning, I am going to call you.  Me, Kyle, and Al are coming over to your place to talk. Ok?"
"Ok," Noah yawned as they turned onto his driveway and parked. Noah's mom ran out of the house and threw her arms around Noah and Kat.
"Oh, we were so worried about you," she cried.
"Um, Mrs. Johnson, Noah has a concussion. He fell and hit his head. We need to get him into his room and let him sleep," Kat explained.
"Sleep," Noah agreed.
"Oh, baby. My baby has a concussion? Oh my! Come Noah. Kat, thank you. You are welcome to stay if you want."
"No, it's fine. I have to get home anyways." Kat smiled and gave Noah a worried look before she turned to the closet bus stop.

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