Chapter 10. Noah

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Noah sat up and groaned. He looked around him at his friends curled into their sleeping bags. He heard the whistle of the wind, and the soft- wait. That wasn't the sea. It was Kyle snoring. Noah laughed and got up. He fell over again.
"Oof." The rock of the boat was kinda strong. He got up anyway and used the wall for balance as he headed onto the deck, pillow in hand.
When he got up, he found Kat.
"Kat? What are you-" he stopped himself. Kat appeared to be awake because of the way she was sitting up against the wall. But as Noah got closer, he could hear her soft breathing. Her head was resting on her knee.
Noah carefully, and quietly, sat down beside her. He shook her shoulder, very gently.
"Hm?" She was still half asleep.
"Here." He put the pillow down beside her. He took her blanket as she laid down and rested her head in her arms on the pillow. Noah spread the blanket over her. He heard her murmur "thanks" as she fell asleep again.
Noah smiled and relaxed. He leaned against the wall. He wanted to sleep like Kat, but he couldn't. The sea brought him comfort. It relaxed him. Noah walked over to the mask. He rested his arms on the rail and sighed. He felt the sea breeze against his face. He sighed again.
"Noah?" It was Kat.
Noah turned around. "Yeah?"
"Are- are you alright?"
"Yeah, I am. Why?"
"Just thought I'd, you know, check. You seem kinda stressed." Kat started to get up, but Noah came to her.
"Don't worry about me. You worry about you. I'll be fine. I don't want to ruin your sleep in the middle of the night, anyways."
"No. It's fine. I don't mind if there's anything you'd like to talk about."
"Well- alright. Maybe talking will help me."
Kat got up and joined him at the railing. "It's beautiful," she marveled. Noah smiled and looked up and the full moon. "That too," she sleepily half smiled.
"Why were you out here?"
"Well, I couldn't sleep. Sleeping outside under the stars always helps me. When we were little, me and Jayla-" Kat's voice caught in her throat. "Well, anyways, we'd camp out." Her eyes filled with sadness. Noah held his arms out. Kat forced a smile and shook her head. Noah dropped his arms.
"So. Why are you out here?" Kat leaned on the railing.
"I couldn't sleep either. I figured the sea would help. I mean, it did. Yet didn't."
Kat smiled. She shook her head. "Noah, you really are something, you know?"
"Thank you." Noah joked. He grinned and pulled Kat into a hug. He rested his chin on her head. "I know I am." Kat grinned.
"I love you." Kat ducked out of Noah's grip.
"Hey!" He ran after her. She dodged him when he tried to grab her hand.
"Nice shot," she taunted. Noah grinned.
"Thanks." Noah turned around. He sighed. Then he turned back and grabbed Kat's hand.
"Hey!" She shrieked as he pulled her off her feet into his hug.
"Uhh.. Al, we should-" Noah put Kat down. They both blushed.
"How long have you been here?" Noah stared at Kyle.
"Uh- a few minutes." Kyle grimaced.
"We weren't doing anything!" Kat nodded with Noah. "She took my- uhhh.... my.. Kat?"
"I took his uhh- car keys! Yeah, yeah, yeah. I took his car keys."
Kyle nodded slowly. Al interrupted. "You don't have to lie or hide it or whatever. We know y'all are together. Now get over it and admit it so we can go back to sleep. And please Kat, stop shrieking."
"We aren't-"
"-together. "
"No." Al stepped toward them. He placed his hands on Kat's shoulders and shook her. "You two are together! It's obvious!" With that, he went back to bed.
"Ooooookay..." Kyle followed him.
"So, Kat, are we to-"
"Yes. Yes we are." Kat smiled. She shook her head. "As much as we don't wanna admit it, I mean, come on, Noah. We're together.
Noah nodded and yawned. He was really tired. Kat laughed at him and yawned too.
"We should be getting to bed, you know." Noah nodded. He got his sleeping bag and Kat's pillow. When he got back out, Kat had already fallen asleep. He smiled and shook his head. He set the sleeping bag down and rested his head on Kat's pillow. She had his. He had hers. Noah closed his eyes and smiled when sleep came easily.

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