Chapter 4. Noah

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Noah snored loudly. Very loudly. So loud, he woke himself up. Noah's phone was ringing. He rolled his eyes and groaned. Who was calling him at six in the morning on a Saturday?!
"Hey guys. It's me, Flame. We have an incident. Meet me in The Cave."
Noah ripped his blanket and sheets off the bed. He quickly changed into white jeans and a blue t-shirt that read Go Eagles!
He was halfway out the door, when his youngest sister, Marrissa, came hopping in.
"Woah! Where have you been, Marri?!" Noah grabbed her arm when she didn't answer. "Marrisa Grace Johnson! Where have you been?!" Marrissa sighed. "I brought home someone."
"What? Who?! Is it a boy?!" Noah ran outside and looked around. He spotted a scrawny boy with curly red hair and freckles standing by a tree. The boy wore a bright yellow t-shirt and ripped purple jeans. He had a rainbow ear ring in his left ear. He had a rainbow peace sign necklace hung around his neck. The boy waved. Noah marched toward him with a murderous look on his face.
"Who do you think you are, coming around to my house with my little sister?! Who?!" Noah raised his eye brows and held up a fist. "Now don't let me see you again!"
The boy just smirked. "Make love, not war, dude. Make peace, not hate." He brushed past Noah and put his arm around Marrissa, protectively. Noah slapped him across the face.
"Noah! Don't hurt Jimmy! He's my boyfriend," Marrissa whined.
"Exactly." Noah turned around and sighed. "Look, I've got somewhere to be. Tell mom I've gone to meet some friends." Marrissa opened her mouth to protest, but Noah just turned on his heel, got into his car and left.

Noah Johnson now sat at the table in the cave with Kat, Al, and Kyle.
"So let me get this straight, you killed  a waitress, right? Burned her to death?" Noah smirked. Any way to make Kat feel bad. He and Kat loathed each other.
"NO! I DIDNT!" Kat roared and burst into flames. Al backed up against the wall. Kyle created a tornado around himself as he backed up against the Cave wall. Noah just smiled.
"So." He said once Kat had cooled down. (And I mean that quite literally) "so." Kat glared at Noah. "How's the family?"
Noah smiled. "Fine. You guys should see Marrissa's new boyfriend." He made a gagging guesture and laughed. "He's a hippie." Noah snorted when everyone, even Kat, made a face.
"Oh so you mean he's, like, the opposite of us? We are basically war's best friend!" Kat laughed just like the old days. Noah smiled. Kyle must have noticed. He smiled too. Then Al spoke up.
"So, you guys are good?"
"Wha-?" Noah and Kat glared at Al. Then, looked at each other.
"Look, Kat, I'm really, really, sor-"
"No. I'm sorry. I was such a brat. I'm so sorry, Noah." Kat burst into tears. Noah got up. Kat walked over to him. They gave each other a big welcome back hug, Kat sobbing on his shoulder.
"Kat, i-"
Al cleared his throat. "Um guys."
"Al! They were having a moment!" Kyle slapped Al.
"Sorry, but, um we have an incident. Remember!"
"Sorry, ok. We forgot." Noah gave Kat a call me look. She giggled.
"Anyways, do you think those hooded guys were S-sea Hunters?" Al looked around nervously. Kyle gasped. Noah's mouth dropped open. Kat screeched.
"S-sea Hunters? Really, you think so?" Kyle bit his nails.
"Yeah?" Al flinched when Kyle turned to look at him, like he was about to be slapped again.
"That- that mean that they've- they've found us!"
"No," they all screamed in unison as two hooded figures entered the room through the water.

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