Chapter 7. Al

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Al walked down Noah's hall. His eyes hurt. Too much homework. Why did he have to do homework anyways? They were about to leave, right? Well, Al was. It was too dangerous here. The Sea Hunters found them and it wasn't safe for their families or anyone to be around them.
Al reached Noah's door. He reached for the door knob, but Kyle knocked him over.
"Oof," he said as he hit the wall.
"Don't go in there!" Kyle had a frantic expression on his face. "Don't."
"Why?" Al reached for the door.
But Al had already opened the door, to reveal... Noah and Kat kissing?! Al gagged and shut the door, quickly.
"I told you!" Kyle smacked his forehead.
"I think I'm gonna be sick!" Al ran to the bathroom and vomited in the toilet.
"Seriously, dude?" Kyle stood in the doorway, smirking. "You do that kinda stuff with Alli. Like, everyday!"
"Used to," Al corrected. "And it's not that! It's thinking of two of my best friends being- being- being- TOGETHER!"
"At least they're friends again!" Kyle slapped Al's arm and dragged him up. "Do you think it's safe to go in there?"
"Yeah," Al hoped.

"Hey, guys. What's up?" Noah looked up from his phone.
"Uhh, n-nothing! You?" Al hoped Noah wouldn't explain what was up. Why would Kyle ask?!
"Nothin," Kat answered for Noah, still staring at her book. Al opened his mouth to change the subject, but Kat interrupted. "WHAT?! OH NO SHE DID NOT!" Kat burst into flames, obviously not caring. Noah splashed her with water and her fire went out. "SHE CANNOT DO THAT! SHE WASN'T EVEN OVER HIM! HOW CAN SHE DO THAT?! YOU STUPID LITTLE SON OF A-" Noah covered Kat's mouth with his hand for that last word, though Al could still hear it.
"Kat," Noah tapped Kat's shoulder. "Um... Kat?" Kat threw her book. It hit the window. Al heard a deafening crack. The window now had a big crack in it. Noah flinched at the sound. "I'm so in trouble."
Kat sighed loudly. "I hate my life," she muttered. Then she said loudly," I hate my life." And with that, the poor girl stumbled off the bed and locked herself in Noah's closet.
"Uh..." Noah's face was hilarious.
Al snorted. He picked up Kat's book. It was about some other girl named Cat. With a C, not a K. "Ouch. This is emotionally painful to read." Al read out the epilogue, which had Kat upset. The other girl, Cat, had gotten married to some prince when she still wasn't over this other guy, but he was killed in some fight or something, Al thought. It was stupid. Why would somone do that?
"Oh, poor Kat." Kyle wrinkled his nose. Who would wrote something so... painfully, hurtfully, emotionally, heart-breaking? 

Eventually, Kat came out of the closet. Her hair was singed. Al tried to point it out, but she just shrugged.
"Alright, let's get something straight." Al walked in front of the group who looked at him like he was crazy. Noah sighed. He and Kat shared a look of confusion.
"We already-"
"No. Not that." Al interrupted Noah. He did not have time for this. They didn't have time for this.
"Then what?" Noah raised his eye brows.
"We're moving."
"What? No," all of them yelled at the same time.
"Guys, listen. We have to! The Sea Hunters are after us! Heck, they've found us! We have got to go! And I'm leaving. With or without you all!"
Al didn't expect anyone to agree.
"No. I'm coming with you," Kat piped up. Noah gave her a look, but she ignored it. "I am no use to my family. I practically live at motels these days!" Kat stood up. Noah grabbed her hand as she stood.
"No. Noah-"
"I'm coming with you." Kat's jaw dropped.
"If you're going, I can't let u two have all the fun!"
"But your family-"
"Can get along just fine without me. I'm turning eighteen in a week anyways. Might as well move out."
"That leaves Kyle." Al glanced sideways at Kyle, who sighed.
"Oh all right."
"Thanks, guys," Al sighed.
"No prob," Kat hugged Al. "You are my best friends, anyways."

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