Chapter 12. Al

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"Mermiix." Noah nodded, grimly. "Definatley a mermiix."
"Mer wha?" Kyle looked over the edge of the ship. "You mean like a mermaid?"
"Not even close." Al stepped forward. He had heard of the mermiix. Or mermiise. Whatever it was plural.
"So I got attacked by a freakin mermaid?!" Kat sighed.
Emotions weren't Al's thing, but he kinda felt bad for her. Noah was even concerned for her well being. And that says a lot, because Noah never worries nor is he ever concerned.
"Um-" Al looked at Noah pleadingly. Noah just smiled. "The uh, mermiix, that scratched you."
"What about it?" Kat faced Al.
"It kind of- uh, has, uh, venom in its er, claws? So- uh-" Noah interrupted.
"You're poisoned. The venom drives you insane to your death," he stated, bluntly.
Bad idea, Al mouthed to Noah. He looked confused. Al's point was proven when Kat burst into tears.
"Oh." Noah tried to grab Kat's hand as she stood up.
She kicked him and he let go. "Ohh," he moaned. "I just ate. " Al winced as Noah ran and puked over the side of the boat. "Too strong," he muttered, rubbing his stomach where Kat kicked him.
"And you didn't even think to tell me?" She screamed. Kat tried to jump over the boat.
"No!" Kyle held his hand out. A tornado appeared swirling around Kat, not allowing her to move. "Noah! What's. The. An- tidote?" Sweat trickled down his face.
Kyle pulled Kat back. Once she was over the deck, he collapsed. Kat fell to the floor, gasping for air.

The next morning, Al awoke to Noah shaking him.
"Ughhh..." he grunted.
"I got it," Noah whispered, excitedly.
Al was tempted to ask him what he found, but then he remembered Kat. "Right."
"Do you have, um, epipens?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"Kat's kind of allergic to this type of seaweed."
"Right." Al dug through his bag and pulled out an epipen.
"Ok, let's go. She's up already."
"What about Kyle?" Al glanced over towards Kyle's hammock, where he was snoring.
"He's drained, man."
Al nodded. "Let's do this then."

Kat shook her head. "No way. Even if it did work, I'd die before it could change anything."
"Yeah, but we have epipens."
"Okay.. and?"
"And you won't die!" Noah was practically grinning. "Brilliant, right?"
"Can we do it?" Al looked pleadingly at her.
Kat pretended to think. "No." She laid back down. "Now go away and let me sleep before I roast you into crisps." With that, Al and Noah left her.
When they were back outside, Noah leaned against the rail and buried his face in his hands. "Why," he muttered. "Does she have to be so difficult?" 
Al patted Noah's shoulder. "She'll come around."
"Except she won't."
"No, she wi-"
"She won't!" Noah turned to him, anger in his eyes. "Just, leave it, alright. It's her choice," he muttered again.
"Dude." Noah grabbed Al's epipen. "What are you-"
"Doing it. I'm doing it and she will not stop me." Noah ran back inside. Al followed him. He watched Kat wake up and flail around when he shoved the seaweed into her mouth. She was forced to eat it, as she did, Al could tell her throat was closing up. He didn't have much time. Al grabbed the epipen from Noah and stuck Kat with it. She swallowed the seaweed.
"Crazy," she muttered before she passed out.
"Yeah, crazy. And stupid too. She could have died!" Al stared at Noah. He wasn't yelling back. He was fumbling around in a bag for something. Wheezing. This time, Al was the one to curse. Noah had bad asthma. He was trying to get his inhaler.
Al rushed over to help. He found it and handed it to Noah who fumbled and dropped it. By now, Noah had stopped breathing. Al decided that if Noah couldn't do it, he would. Al tried to use the inhaler correctly. Apparently, he did because Noah started gasping for air.
"Are you ok?" Al helped Noah up.
"Yeah." Noah swayed.
"You sure?"
"I'm good. I'm breathing aren't I?" Sure, he was. But he was still kind of gasping for the air.
"Noah, you need to sit down."
"I'm ok. I told you." Reluctantly, Al let go of Noah.
Noah stumbled outside. Al walked over to Kyle, who was still snoring.
"Yeah?" Kyle sat up. He looked around.
"Are you good?"
"Yeah?" Kyle gave Al a look. "Why?"
"Just- what was that?" Al felt a jolt in the boat. He ran outside and found Noah crumpled to floor by the wall. Kyle ran to him. Al looked over the edge of the boat and saw it. The Kraken. It was smashing itself against the boat. It was wrapping it's tentacles around the boat. It stated to pull. Al lurched forward. Kyle flipped over the side, yelling.
Al heard a groggy curse. Noah. "Kat," he moaned. Blood was trickling down his face. His nose was at and odd angle and his lip was busted. He stumbled inside to Kat. Al would've helped, but he was pitched off the side of the boat. He yelled one word, assuming it would be his last. So he decided on something clever, like the word, "KYLE!" So intelligent, was his last thought before he fell into the dark water full of danger wanting to eat him.

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