Chapter 15. Al

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"Why is it always me?" Al groaned and squinted. He could make out Kyle's shape in the distance calling his name.
"AL! AL! AL! A- al?"
"I'm here..." but Kyle was already running toward him. Al tried to hold consciousness, but it was to strong of a pull.

"Al, are you okay?"
Al grunted. Kyle was leaning over him. His white-blonde hair blowing around in the wind, whipping at his eyes. The sun seemed to be right over him. He had a shadow outlining him. Al was blinded by the sun if he looked either way. So, he focused on Kyle's face. He had a hooked nose. His lips were full and pale. His eyes were a very pale sky blue. He wore a blue tshirt. He also had on once-white jeans. They were stained, muddy, and sandy.
"Al, can you hear me? Talk to me. Say something!" Kyle's anxiety was getting the best of him. He was obviously having a panic attack. Kyle put his callused hands on either side of Al's face.
"Breath," Al croaked. Kyle sighed. He put his head down and inhaled. He exhaled, then laughed.
"Thank you, Al."
Al nodded. "Noah. Kat."
"They're ok. Can you stand? I'm going to take you to them. We have a nice shelter there."
Al sat up. He was suddenly washed over with dizziness. He ignored it and gripped Kyle's arm to help him stand. "Where are they?" He looked around.
Kyle laughed. "About a mile away."
"Can't walk that far." Al wobbled. He gripped Kyle harder.
"Yeah, but I can fly that far. But with you, that's probably it. " Kyle sighed. "Ok. Get on my back. " Al obeyed. He climbed onto Kyle's back. So he was going to get a piggy-back-ride in the air? Great. Before they started flying, Kyle grabbed Al's forearm. "Please, do not let go. Or I will have a freaking heart attack." When Kyle let go, his fingers brushed Al's. He would never ever ever admit it, but Al's heart fluttered at the touch.
"Ok. Ready?"
They started to hover and Kyle steered them forward.

"KYLE! AL!" Al could see Kat jumping up and down. She was pulling on Noah's arm. He was laying in a hole in the ground in his sleeping bag. Finally, Noah got up and stumbled over to where Kyle and Al had landed.
Al rolled onto the ground and puked. "Ugh... I'm definitely made for land." Kyle shifted over.
"Do not puke on me."
Al groaned, but nodded. "Noted."
Kat apparently didn't mind. She ran over to Al and threw her arms around him. "Never. Do. That. To. Me. Again. Or I will burn you to ashes!" Noah pulled Kat off of Al.
"Give him a break, Kat."
Kat ignored him. "I. Thought. You. DIED."
"Me too." Kyle decided Al was ok, so he hugged him too. "I was having a panic attack the whole time. Al, you scared all of us. I mean, I don't know about Noah, but me and Kat were yelling our lives away, looking for you." Noah put a hand to his heart. Kat giggled. Al laughed.
"Sorry." Kat punched his arm.
"Sorry doesn't cover it." She smiled.
"Yeah, I know. " Noah obviously decided this heartfelt reunion was over, so he went back to the grotto-thing and fell asleep in his sleeping bag. Al went over after him. The grotto was ten feet from one side to the other. Al laid down in his sleeping bag beside Kyle's. Kat laid down beside Noah. Kyle got into his sleeping bag beside Al.

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