Chapter 14. Noah

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"Noah?" Noah opened an eye. Relief washed over Kat's face.
"Ow-" Noah tried to sit up. Kat gently pulled his arm to help him sit. "Thanks. "
Noah felt drained.
"Are you ok?"
"Y-yeah." No I'm not okay. I almost let you drown how could I be ok?!
"Well, at least i forgive you." Wait- he didn't say anything, how could I hear that?
"Hear what?" Ohmygosh, he's doing it too!
"Doing what?" Wait- she didn't say anything. What the-?
"Noah, we're reading each other's minds!" Noah snorted.
"Wait, you're serious?"
"Yeah! What am I thinking about?" Pizza, dummy, I'm thinking about pizza.
"Yep." Kat seemed exited. "How bout now?" A pause. Again. And again.
"I can't hear anything. "
"Oh. Maybe it stopped? I can't either. Oh well..." Kat sat down.
"That was weird."
Noah looked Kat up and down. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" She scooted closer to Noah.
"Just... checking. I'm sorry."
"About what?"
"The boat. Being crashed. I almost let you drown, Kat. I couldn't live with that, if it happened. I love you, Kat. I just don't want to lose you." Noah took Kat's hand.
"I love you too. I don't want to lose you either, Noah. But it wouldnt be your fault if I did drown. You just got... kinda drained." Noah nodded. "How do you feel. Are you any better?"
Noah shook his head. "I don't  even know how I'm still awake, Kat." She giggled. Noah chuckled. "Where's Kyle? And Al?"
"Kyle went to find Al. We have no idea where he is or if he's even-" Kat cleared her throat. "Yeah..."
"He's alive, Kat. I can just feel it." Kat nodded.
"You need your sleep right now."
"No I'm fine. "
"Yeah? What happened to, "I don't even know how I'm still awake"? Cuz, if I'm not mistaken that's what you said not too long ago..." Noah shook his head.
"Stop. Your making me even more tired." Noah yawned.
Kat laughed. "I told you. Now get some rest, though I don't know how you need it because you've been unconscious for days."
Noah nodded. He started to lay down, but Kat grabbed his arm excitedly.
"Oh, you haven't seen it yet. I forgot! Noah, you're in for a treat." Noah got up and let Kat pull him over towards the ocean. She pulled him over to the left, where he saw a makeshift house. It was made out of trees and moss. It had flowers  growing out of the walls. Vines crept up and down the door. The roof was triangular and mossy. Kat took him inside. There was a huge fire place tight in the middle of it. Hooks were on the walls everywhere. Four green hammocks where hung around the room. Noah's mouth fell open.
"You haven't even seen the best part." Kat was grinning. She took him back outside to the beach by the house. A huge circle was dug up in the sand. Limestone stones were placed inside the circle as a floor. Pillows were placed around and blankets covered the floor. Their sleeping bags were laid down too.
"Viola! The grotto!" Noah gaped at the creation.
"Did you make this?!" Noah settled down in his sleeping bag and groaned. "I am sleeping here tonight."
"No, we found it."
"Oh. Ok." Kat laid down beside him. She laid her head down on his chest. Noah put an arm around her neck. She gave a small smile.
"So, Kat. Tell me something."
"I want to hear about your life before we found each other- you know, you, me, Kyle, and Al. When we met we were just so... future-focased. We never really got to know each other that well."
Kat sighed. But answered anyways. "My mother. She was like me. Like us."
"You mean she was an Element?"
"Yeah. She was different though. She controlled precipitation and weather. I thought she was so cool as a little- really little- kid. Like before-we-met little. I wanted to be just like her. I don't really remember much because we met when I was seven. But, what I do remember she was amazing. She was so nice and she cared. She helped people. Noah, I wanted to be her. But, one day, I got my powers. And I remember coming back home from Al's, I was going to tell her all about it. But when I came home, she was on the floor of the kitchen, dead. I tried to help, but I was too late..." Kat seemed to press herself to Noah harder, as if she wanted to hold on to that moment and forget the past. "She was my everything. I didn't have friends at school. I always looked forward to going home and seeing her. She was like, my best friend. I remember finding a note on the counter. It was from the Sea Hunters. They said that we've been found. That when one Element is discovered, one is dead. I thought it was my fault. I ran away to you, remember?"
"Yeah, I do. I never knew why, you know? You were crying so hard, nobody could understand a word you said."
"Yeah." Kat chuckled. "But you understand. Your mom died too. And you were there."
Noah nodded. "Yeah." He yawned.
"You really are tired..." And Noah drifted off.

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