Chapter 1. Kat

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Kat Black wondered around the streets of her lonely little town in Virginia. She looked up at the bright blue, cloudless sky. She strolled along the dirt road until she reached a train track. Kat looked both sides and listened before crossing. She had to be safe, there were five tracks side by side and Kat did not want to be a pancake before she got to the diner for her morning coffee.
She hopped track to track just in time. When Kat reached the diner, only a hundred yards from the tracks, she heard train whistles. 
Sighing a sigh of relief, she entered the diner. There were very few people there. There was a man in all black talking to another man wearing gray. There was a girl who looked like she had just got there a minute or two before Kat. There were also two pretty old men in rocking chairs playing checkers.
Kat took a seat in an empty booth by the windows. She ordered her usual black coffee with peppermint cream and a stack of chocolate chip pancakes. While she waited for her food, she listened to the news on her phone. But she not only heard the breaking news on her phone but on the other girl's phone, the two waitress' phones and the old men's flip phones. Everyone was startled as the news blared out:
"-mass breakout in small town in Virginia. Beware if you see any of these men and women anywhere! Be careful too. They might be armed! For more news and that go to-"
At once everyone looked down at their phones. Kat's eyes widened the size of the pancakes in front of her, untouched. Her and the other girl fearfully looked at each other then to the hooded men in black and gray as they stood up and stuck their hands into their pockets. Kat stifled a scream as the pulled out guns and pointed them around the room at anyone who dared move a muscle. Kat sat her phone down slowly, dialing for help as she set it face down on the table.
"Put your hands in the air or I'll shoot!" The man in black pointed his gun at Kat as she put her hands up in surrender.
"If any of you call for help, you're dead meat!" This time the gray guy spoke. He had an extremely rough voice like he spent the whole day before yelling. As if on cue, the other girl's phone started ringing.
"That's It! There shall be no living witnesses!" The guy in black held up a match. He lit it and threw it on the floor. The two guys strolled out of the diner and shut the doors. They drove a car in front of the doors so any chance if getting out was zero, zilch, nada, nonexistent.
A waitress screamed. "No! The oven!" She ran to door and tried to open it, but it was hopeless. She fell across the door and slid to the floor. She jumped up with a scream as the fire spread and lit her apron on fire.
Kat closed her eyes as she remembered that she was safe. She was one with the flame. She was the flame. Kat lifted her hands up, eyes still closed and made a cutting motion with her hand. Her mental fingers reached out and grabbed the flames. They wrestled until Kat's mental hand won and the screaming stopped. Kat opened her eyes and saw a burnt diner. At least they were alive. Then Kat noticed the waitress on the floor. Her mouth was frozen in a scream. Her eyes were glazed over and blank as she lay there on the floor, motionless. Her face was scorched terribly.
"No. No, no, no!" Kat heard sirens. The police had arrived with an ambulance and a fire truck, which thanks to Kat, they didn't need.
"Step back!"

Kat lay in her room thinking about what happened. They hauled the waitress, who's name turned out to be Lin, off to where ever they take dead people for funeral preparations. Lin's funeral was in a week but Kat knew she wasn't going. She couldn't stand it. But she knew what she had to do. She had to connect with the other Elements, Kyle, Al, and Noah.
Kat dialed the numbers in a group call. Kyle answered first. Then Noah. Then Al. "Hey, guys. It's me, Flame. We have an incident. Meet me in The Cave."

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