d; chapter 6

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[dan's chapter]


cecelia's point of view

AFTER MARK EXPLAINS what I'm going to be doing he leaves me alone. He says I can ask him for help at any time but...I rather not. Even if I fuck up...it's my first day here and I don't want to ruin it. I admire Bastille with all of my heart and it's only fair to give back to them for their incredible music.
I even hope one day soon me and Dan Smith can grab a coffee just so I can ask him about Bastille. Or maybe not. He probably hates talking about Bastille.
"How are you getting on then?" I jump out of my skin startled as Dan laughs. "Sorry...didn't mean to scare you." He leans across the desk. As I helplessly smile. "It's okay..." I giggle.
   Dan then points at the computer. "Do you want a chair? I bet you're going to strain your neck looking down?" I shake my head even though a chair does sound lovely. My feet are burning up.
   "It's okay, I like to keep on my toes." I lie as Dan smiles. "Are you sure? We have got some new green ones. They're really comfortable and shit?" I shake my head again declining the offer. "Not thank you." With that Dan nods his head.
   There's a awkward silence as he then pats the desk. "Good work here." He encouragingly says before walking away. I mean...he's nice.
   I then go back to emailing this company who want to sponsor Bastille...if only they promote their stock. They basically want Bastille for free and they're not taking no for an answer. Why the fuck would Bastille want to be sponsored by a washing up liquid? How would they even promote it...
   Minutes later and a blonde haired girl walk around the corner from the back of the studio which is sorta like a lounge. This place is huge. It even has a room with a bed in it...Bastille are pretty serious about their music. Not to mention the massive bathroom with a shower, bath and toilet in.
   The only downside is the press constantly knocking on the glass door or pressing the buzzer for an 'exclusive'. I didn't know Bastille was that of a big band...but I guess they are. Too right. I place my hand over my eyes from the camera flashes. Why are they all of a sudden taking photos of me?
   "Excuse me!" I shout before the girl opens the main studio double doors.
   "What?" She hisses, literally rolling her eyes.
   "You're not supposed to be here. If you give me your name and maybe twenty minutes I can...see if one of them can nip out for a bit?" I smile whilst she turns away in disgust.
   "Out of both of us — you have no right to be here." She then shakes her head before flying open the door and walking through.
    Scared that I'm going to get in trouble for doing nothing about this fan I quickly follow her into the studio, but I stop at the door when I see Dan throw his arm around her waist as she kisses him.
Oh fuck.
   Maybe that is the first actual bad thing about Bastille. Dan is clearly in love with a little girl? Oh god. With that I go to my desk and act like I didn't tell his girlfriend off...I totally never presumed she was a fan girl....
   Seconds later the door opens, but it isn't Mark checking in on me — it's Dan. "Long time no see" I happily say as if butter wouldn't melt. That makes Dan crack a smile as he shakes his head slightly.
   "My girlfriend, Sabrina, just told me that you was rude to her?" Oh my god. She literally squealed on me! She must know I'm new...why would she tell Dan.
   "Oh my god." I hold my head as I become stressed out. I mean she probably has ruined my career.
   "Don't panic" Dan laughs holding his arms out in front of me. "Just ignore her...it's what everyone else does around here." That's when I sigh in relief as Dan continues to laugh.
  "In all honesty that was my fault. I should've told you about Nina — where ever I go...she goes. You know?" I nod my head even though I don't.
   I've never really had a boyfriend or someone that loves me as much as that bitch loves Dan. But still — I nod my head to impress Dan. "I would've never of put a nice guy like you with her..." Dan cuts me off.
"She's a bitch. You can say it..." I shake my head with this stupid smile attached to my face.
"I'm not going to call her a bitch."
Dan then looks at me curiously. Like why would he even want me calling his girlfriend a bitch. "Why not?" He folds his arms.
Then...only for a second I don't know what to say. "She's just not...your type." Dan then shakes his head.
"I have my own bad habits. Me and Nina are similar. Anyway that's your homework." He jokes...or at least I think it's a joke? "What is?" I play along while Dan awkwardly looks away. Probably to see if his bitchy girlfriend isn't behind him.
   "Google Nina. Get to know her...tomorrow I'm going to introduce you both. A clean slate." My eyes widen as Dan laughs at my unfortunate expense. "Good luck!" He shouts before walking back into the studio leaving me slightly mortified that I'm going to have to spend time with her...

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