p; chapter 10

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[poppy's chapter  <— newbie]


BOTH ME AND NINA LAY AWAKE. We don't say anything...which is weird because Nina always talks about herself. It's the last thing she does in the evenings and the first thing she does in the mornings.

Well she's quiet...until she breaks the silence in the most selfish way that she probably can think of."Do you like Cecelia?" What kind of question is that? "That's silly talk babe." I mumble under my breath with my eyes closed. "I know you fancy her." That's when both of my eyes crack open at the same time as I tilt my head slightly to the right.

"I don't fancy her. Jesus Christ Nina." She then closes her eyes looking pissed off. "I love you. And I only love you and the baby." I put my hand on her slight bump. It's gotten slightly bigger which is very reassuring. "Get your hand off of me." Nina almost fucking cries. "What?" I look at her confusedly still holding her baby bump. "Stop being a freak. That's my stomach." With that she yanks down her top and moves onto her side.

"Babe...that's...that's my baby in there. Can't I have a bond with him or her before the child is fucking born?" Fucking hell. "He's my baby!" That's when I instantly sit myself up in shock.

"H-he..." I stutter in disbelief.

Nina goes pale in the face as she sits up holding her bump, I've noticed that every day she's getting more maternal of it. It's honestly very sweet. But she is being a bitch of a fucking deluded bitch at the moment. "When did you find out? Oh my god." I look at it in awe...trying to picture my baby boy. I mean...he isn't a girl, deep down I was hoping for a little girl. I wanted to do all those cute things like tea parties and dressing up...those kind of things.

"I want to be discreet Dan." What does that mean? "Huh?" She shakes her head. "I want to be discreet. This is my body and I don't want anyone touching me or my baby. Even if it means you not coming to my scans...or the birth." My eyes widen all the way. "What the fuck? You out of all people want to be discreet. I've seen you naked thousands thousands times babe. Thousands. I am going to be there for my baby and-" she cuts me off.

"I really thought you would've fucking came to your senses." Nina whispers. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"He's not yours, baby." everything pauses. My whole world shatters within seconds. "He's not yours." With that she slams herself back down against the mattress and closes her eyes cracking her bump. "Bullshit." I whisper as I feel myself cry.

"Bullshit. You're just angry with me for some reason!" I scream in frustration. Nina can be a nasty piece of work when she wants to be. "I fucked Kyle behind your back. Our relationship got to safe...to boring. It's his!" That's when I get up out of bed. I can't physically be next to her any longer. I feel like I'm about to break.

"Jesus Christ where are you going now?" I shake my head totally disbelieved. "I-I'm just going out." Why do I even need to explain to her anything that I do? She went behind my back and fucked my best friend...she really does have no shame.

Nina sighs loudly whilst I run downstairs. I put on my shoes and grab my jacket and keys. I get into the car and just sit there for ten minutes. I cry. I psychotically laugh. I beat up the steering wheel. But in my silence I come to the fact that I'm not going to be a father.

I built myself up to be a dad over the last couple of months...I know I can't leave Nina. We've been each other's anchor - not that she will ever admit it though. But I want to be a dad. That's when I get a stupid idea. A brilliantly stupid idea. I go on Google and search up private IVF clinics from here, surprisingly there's one just outside of South London.

If I'm going to stay with Nina and she keeps going behind my back - the least she can do is let me have a kid of my own...somewhere in the world.

plot twist; dan smith (bastille) Where stories live. Discover now