Olivia's Point of View 2

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"Troubling, isn't it, two orphans locked away..." I dashed around to the window before I could hear the rest.

"How did you know what I was looking for?" I asked in a rather loud whisper.

"The taxi thing is just a day gig for me." He told me. "I am also a member of an organisation."

"A secret organisation?" I asked. I had spent the last few nights reading about one that exists in this city, I hoped that all of my reading had paid off.

"If you know about it, maybe it's not a secret." he said, wittily.

"I have been doing some reading." I pointed out to him, lifting up the enormous book I carried with me.

"That is usually the first step." He said, giving me a wink. A wink! In my tiny library, the best I got was being able to sneak it open for another five minutes. A wink! I could feel myself blushing, and he opened the cab door for me. I sat in the back seat, uncomfortably squished, but with a comfortable man.

We spoke for a while, my mind drifting off constantly to where we could be in a year, or two years even! My man by my side, sat on a sofa. We could both be speaking about VFD, learning together, working together. I snapped back to reality

"We have to turn back, hold onto something sturdy." He instructed. I naturally held onto him. The strongest part of this taxi. He turned around and looked into my eyes. Butterflies flurried into my mouth and stomach, while a tingling spread all across me. I felt a proper connection with someone for the first time, and it was exhilarating. My heart kept pounding and blood kept rushing the entire time we were driving. Every minute felt like a second, with us quickly making our way towards 667 Dark Avenue, where the Baudilaires,  and supposedly Count Olaf, and hopefully the Quagmire triplets were. If we found the Quagmires, they would be safe and we could apprehend Count Olaf. We slowly drove around the corner and stopped in a lay-by. The Squalours and the Baudilaires were walking into a limousine, and there, underneath the woman's cloak, was the despicable count, who seemed to be positioned rather innapropriately, especially around the children and Esme's husband.

"It's as we thought." Jacques said. "Only Olaf would find the need to hide underneath a cloak."

We drove up to 667 Dark Avenue, and parked on the kurb. Jacques helped me into a harness, and attached our ropes.

"I have a question about the safety rope." I told him.

"It attaches to your waist."

"Then what? The building? The fire hydrant?" Jacques pulled at the rope causing me to be pulled towards him in an embrace.

"Me." He said, looking into my eyes. The charmer.

"So, Jacques Snicket. We go down together."

"No, Olivia Caliban. We go up together."

Jalivia (Jacques Snicket+Olivia Caliban) ASOUEWhere stories live. Discover now