Olivia's Point of View (Chapter Seven)

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So, this is what the Snicket family is like. Constant arguing and picking on each other I thought. But, Jacques cried when he saw his brother. He hugged his sister tightly. Once Kit had gone to sleep in the bedroom, Jacques and Lemony started speaking to each other quietly. I walked over to where they were sitting.

"What are you talking about?" I asked quietly. They looked concerned and Lemony started first.

"Kit." He said.

"I established that." I said in response.

"We think we know who raped her." Jacques said, worriedly.

"Who?" I asked.

"Olaf." Lemony said, bowing his head. I covered my mouth as Jacques stroked my thigh.

"Do you think he knows?" I asked. For some reason, Jacques shook his head to me as in saying that I shouldn't say that. Lemony shuddered. Trying to rephrase my words, I said "Do you think Olaf is aware of his impact?" The tension released and Lemony answered.

"He probably remembers doing it, but whether he is aware of the impact, it is unknown."

"Well it will be easy to find him." I said.

"What?" They asked in unison.

"Easy to find Olaf. Wherever the Baudelaires are, he is. We adopt the Baudelaires and we can catch him."

The brothers realised how easy it could be and smiled.

"It's best to catch some sleep now," I told them "So we can catch that horrible Poe in the morning."

"You have met him?" Lemony asked.

"I wish I hadn't. "

"Good morning Kit!" I said cheerfully. "How much did you sleep?"

"Five hours! It was my first time in eight months sleeping on a bed."

"I slept less than you, and I'm not even pregnant." I laughed. Jacques and Lemony were stood by the door anxiously in matching suits. It was adorable. I wore a flowing blue dress and my only pair of shoes. Kit was wearing an even longer red dress to cover her baby bump.

"Who booked the appointment?" I asked. Jacques raised his hand. "Who is driving?" Jacques raised his hand again. "Final question. Who is ready?" No one raised their hand.

"Let's go." Jacques said.

We drove in silence the entire way, although the journey wasn't long. I gripped tightly onto Jacques' hand once we were out of the car, and he held on too. Hand in hand, we walked. We walked into the building and into Mr Poe's office. Walking up to his desk, I saw Jacqueline smile. I realised that she must have been the one who called Jacques, and that is why we are together now. I held onto Jacques a little tighter as we reached the despicable Poe.

"Hello sir." I said to Poe. For some reason, he just stared at me.

"You were in my office two days ago." Poe said.

"I was, sir." I confirmed. "I am here on a slightly different business today."

"And what may that be?" Mr Poe asked.

"We, as a family, want to adopt the Baudelaires." Lemony said. I smiled when he included me in the family. I felt accepted.

"But the Baudelaires are currently in a village named 'VFD'. They are enjoying the town's 'It takes a Village' program. I can't simply pull them out." Mr Poe explained. This would have and should have been a strong argument- for anyone but Lemony.

"But, Mr Poe, the Baudelaire's Parent's will clearly states 'Our Darling Children, Violet Klaus and Sunny, will stay with their closest living relative.' Nobody in this VFD is related to the children."

"A fair point, a fair point." Mr Poe agreed. "Tell me, how do you know Beatrice's will so well?"

"I helped her write it." Lemony told Poe. "We would have married if we weren't cousins. The children know of me. I am their closest living relative."

"This Caliban woman, she is not related, though. She cannot be their guardian." Poe pointed out. As my heart fell, Jacques hands clenched in anger at me being called a 'Caliban Woman'. But Lemony, as cool as a cucumber, said

"Neither were the last four guardians you placed them with." Poe stared into space. He was either considering his options or avoiding his responsibilities.

"Despite how correct your argument is, I am still going to say no." Mr Poe decided. From the back of the room, Jacqueline stood up. She crossed the hall and stood right in front of Mr Poe's desk.

"Mr Poe, as your secretary and advisor, I completely disagree with your judgement and will not let your decision go through."

"Why?" Asked Poe.

"Why won't you let the Baudelaires be placed with the Snickets and Olivia Caliban?"

"The Baudelaires wanted to go to VFD!" Mr Poe said as though it was obvious.

"You manipulated the children! They wanted to learn about a VFD, one which I know much about." Jacqueline protested. "You could have given the children the full name of the town which they could go to, 'the Village of Fowl Devotees' but you said VFD!"

"Well," Poe said,  unsure of what to say back. "Why should I trust some random stranger, like Jacques for example?"

"Jacques is not random." I yelled through gritted teeth. "He is perfect."

"No time for feelings here. We have business to discuss." Mr Poe said nonchalantly. I glared at him and gripped tighter to Jacques' hand. I was furious and offended by what Poe had said, but treated this meeting like an interview.

"I know the Snickets Mr Poe." Jacqueline said, obviously offended too. "They are one of the most trustworthy families I have met, and are perfectly capable of caring for three children." Lemony, Jacques and Kit all smiled to her, and I found myself smiling too.

"Did you hear me say 'no more feelings'? Shut up Jacqueline, and let me do my job!" Mr Poe yelled. Jacqueline let a tear ruin her makeup. Kit and I both reached for her hands and she took them gratefully.

"Mr Poe, is that your Boss?" Lemony said as footsteps came down the hallway.

"Jacqueline, shut up." Mr Poe warned . "He will fire me on the spot!" I spelt no on Jacqueline's hand, hoping she could finger spell. She could. Jacqueline started to cry and Mr Poe's boss came through the door.

"Jacqueline, you aren't at you de- what is the matter?" Kit and I exaggerated her pain, rubbing her back and looking concerned. Poe, making the situation far worse slapped her arm, hitting me in the process.

"How dare you?!" Yelled Mr Poe's Boss. "You hit two women in front on me. Explain." He demanded to Mr. Poe. "No explanation? I expected as such. We will finish this meeting right here, while I am stood in front of you, Poe. Where did I walk in at?"

"Poe was telling Jacqueline to shut up and let him do his job after she gave a good and valid point in our favour, thus causing us to be the rightful guardians of the Baudelaires." Lemony said, beckoning to Jacqueline to stand with him.

"Why should they not, Poe?" His boss asked. Mr Poe remained silent. "Debate over. Paperwork Poe." Mr Poe passed the thick stack of paper to us with a pen. Lemony signed first, followed by Kit, Jacques and me. I looked up to the siblings and raised my eyebrows towards Jacqueline. They nodded. I passed Jacqueline the pen.

"Are you sure?" Jacqueline asked.

"Affermative." Lemony said. A word which here means 'yes'." Jacqueline picked up the pen and signed the document.

"Poe." His boss said firmly. "Get to VFD and bring back those orphans. Go!" Mr Poe ran to his car and drove off instantly. "I apologise for Poe's behaviour." He said. "I'm going to fire him, but I will let him say goodbye to the Baudelaires.

"Thank you, sir." Jacqueline said politely.

"You can take his job if you want." The boss said. "I'm sure you will do much better. You are dismissed." The five of us walked back to the taxi in silence, our faces gleaming with joy.

"We are all technically parents now, aren't we?" I asked rhetorically. "Parents."

Jalivia (Jacques Snicket+Olivia Caliban) ASOUEWhere stories live. Discover now