Jacques Point of View (Chapter 14) 4 weeks later

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Violet and Isadora walked up to Olivia, when she slipped something into both of their hands and they walked off. I realised it was their second pregnancy test, and I sat next to Olivia to spread out the weight of the news. She would need it.

"It's going to be okay." I whispered. I was wrong. Both girls came back in tears holding the tests. The boys were sat in the corner, biting their lips. I hugged Isadora tightly and Olivia held onto Violet. I felt what Olivia meant, it was so difficult to stay strong for them when you know you could have stopped it sooner.

"You must be so scared!" I whispered, hugging her tightly.

"Are you ashamed of me?" Isadora asked through tears.

"Oh darling." I said. "Of course we aren't. You are still very special to us and we wouldn't make you do anything that you really don't want to do. We love you just the same, okay?"

"Okay." She sniffed.

"Now, would you like to go and sit with your brother and Klaus?" I asked. She walked off to meet them, with Violet. I spoke to Olivia.

"We need to get to work." Olivia told me. "We need to get rid of any razor blades, secure all knives and make sure that we give the girls the right nutrients to eat."

"I sounds like you have been through this before!" I laughed.

"I'm a librarian." She said. "I've read nearly everything." We began making the entire penthouse safe and trust me, it was hard. Once we had finished, we collapsed in the bedroom.

"Do you think they will be okay?" I asked, squeezing her hand.

"No, but we have to have hope." Olivia said sadly. "I hope you feel like fish for lunch."

"Do I have a choice?" I asked with a laugh.

"You do with the vegetables." She responded.

"So, girls," Olivia said, handing them a plate. "You have haddock with asparagus, tomatoes and a little slice of lemon. Here's some bread."

"Everyone else," Kit said, handing over seven plates, "help yourselves to anything on the table. You can too, girls, but you have to eat everything on your plate first."

"Thank you." Violet said, digging in instantly.

"Are you not going to eat?" Isadora asked Olivia.

"I am only going to eat as much as you girls eat for yourselves." She said with a smile. I was worried that she wouldn't eat enough, but didn't stop her.

"Oh, okay." Violet understood, giving herself more asparagus. This was going to be a long road.

Jalivia (Jacques Snicket+Olivia Caliban) ASOUEWhere stories live. Discover now