Olivia's Point of View (Chapter 15) (1 Week Later)

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Shivering, I sat in the corner of the room. I had hardly eaten I was so worried about the girls. I could feel my ribs through my dress. The room was pitch black and Jacques was sleeping, but I was rocking back and forth, back and forth. I had to eat but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Only a few sticks of broccoli had entered my system so I had a horrible taste in my mouth. Back and forth, back and forth. Things seemed to move around in the dark, so I walked out into the corridor with the spyglass Jacques had given me in place of a ring.

I clicked the spyglass to light and walked to the kitchen. Slowly, I poured a glass of water to drink it on the sofa. Little did I know, I was in the the dark. Literally and figuratively.

Still shivering, I started rocking back and forth, back and forth. I didn't hear the door open. I didn't hear the footsteps. I heard nothing until his hands were around my neck, choking me. I screamed but no sound came out.

"Jacques!" I screamed silently. "Jacques! Anyone?!" My spyglass rolled to the floor.

"Give me the children!" He hissed.

"No!" I tried to yell. "Help me!"

"You tell me where the children are, and I let you go." He snarled. Struggling, I got the light switch which lit all of the rooms. Somehow, Jacques was up like a bullet. He tore me from his arms and pinned him against the wall.

"You touch my wife one more time and I stop forgiving you, okay! Out! Now!" Jacques yelled, picking me up from the floor and carrying me to the chair. "Darling, why are you so light?" He asked quietly, taking a hold of my hand.

"It's nothing." I whispered.

"Darling, what is the matter?" He demanded.

"It's nothing." I pleaded.

"What have you eaten today?" He asked me, begging.

"Lots." I lied.

"What. " He said.

"A bit of broccoli." I whispered, trying not to cry.

"Anything else?" Jacques asked, gripping tighter.

"No." I squeaked. Jacques sat straight down with me.

"What are you worried about?" He asked me, holding on to both hands.

"The girls." I whispered.

"Oh, darling." Jacques said, leaning in for a hug. "You don't need to face everything alone. Please speak up."

"It's not as simple as that."

"Would you like some tea?" He asked suddenly.

"Okay." I said without thinking. He had tricked me into saying yes and I was more impressed than angry. Walking over to my spyglass, I noticed blood on the floor. Only a drop. I guessed it was nothing and drank the tea. Having calories inside of me woke me up a lot, and I nearly drank the entire kettle before Jacques poured me a bowl of cereal. I ate it greedily and finally smiled after having eaten for the first time in a week.

I noticed another drop of blood, a couple of meters after the first one.

"Jacques?" I asked. "Why is there blood?" He stood up and followed me. There was drop after drop, finally reaching the bathroom. I opened the door. Isadora was unconscious in the bathtub with blood all around her.

"She has miscarried, hasn't she." Jacques said, concerned.

"Yes." I said, springing into action. I checked for her pulse, which was still fortunately there. We picked her up and lay her in the shower, washed out the bath tub, and placed her back in.

"She is still bleeding!" Jacques panicked. I woke her up and she screamed.

"What's happening?" She asked.

"Look, Isadora, what time did it start to hurt?" I asked her quietly.

"I woke up at midnight exactly." She cried. "I can't remember much."

"What time is it now?" I asked Jacques.

"It's three am." He whispered. I stopped in my tracks. Three hours? Little Isadora had to deal with such pain for three hours?

"Darling, do you feel comfortable taking a shower, right now?" I asked.

"Okay." She squeaked. I stripped her and ran the shower. I had known her for six weeks and had already been through so much- kidnapping, pregnancy, and now a miscarriage. She continued to shout in pain for another hour, before it was all over. She was okay.

I slept in the same room as Isadora too keep an eye on her, but she was fine the entire night.

"Good Morning, Isadora. Are you ready for the day ahead?" I asked cheerfully.

"Nope." She moaned, covering herself in her duvet.

"You wanna stay in bed?" I questioned.

"Yep." She replied


I walked down the hall, bumping into Lemony on the way.

"Hi, Lemony!" I smiled.

"Hello Olivia. You are oddly positive after what happened yesterday- Jacques told me all about it." He remarked.

"'I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to realise that life is a complex matter.'" I quoted. "Walt Disney said that."

"I will be sure to use it." He grinned, continuing to walk. I walked into the kitchen, going straight to the toaster. Positivity is so hard to find in the world now. In a world too often governed by corruption and arrogance, it can be difficult to stay true to one's philosophical and literary principals. I felt like quoting on that day.

"Good morning, Jacques!" I beamed, reaching for a piece of bread to toast.

"Good morning, darling." Jacques responded, reaching for the butter to butter his currently unbuttered but toasted bread. "Are you okay, after last night?"

"The past has no power over the present moment." I quoted again. "Eckhart Tolle said that."

"Your positivity lights up this room like a candle that won't go out." Jacques smiled.

"Who said that?" I asked, intrigued by his words.

"Me!" He laughed.

Authors Note
This chapter was 1000 words, but thanks to the beauty of technology, a glitch made me lost 223 of those words. It's now 1005 after this note.

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