Jacques Point of View (Chapter 6)

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"Come here, Olivia." I said, still with my face tear stained. She walked over and held onto my hand, slightly scared from meeting my family all at once. "Lemony, this is my girlfriend Olivia. She worked as a librarian at Prufrock Prep."

"Oh." Lemony said. "I recognise you."

"You were diagonally opposite me in English. I didn't know it was you."

"So, you remember me?" Lemony asked, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Yes." We stood unsure of what to say for a few seconds, when Kit yelled from the bathroom.


"That's my name." He responded.

"COME HERE NOW AND EXPLAIN YOURSELF." Lemony slowly walked to the bathroom and stuck his head in.

"Kit." He said.

"Little Snicket, why have you got so many letters to Mr Athur Poe asking for Guardianship of the Baudelaires?"

"Look Kit, I can explain..." Lemony started.

"And you didn't ask for our help?" Kit finished, looking at him sadly.

"You don't think I'm crazy?" Lemony asked. "Crazy for still wanting the little part of Beatrice to protect?"

"I don't think you are crazy at all, Lemony. We will sleep here tonight, and help you in the morning." Lemony's face lit up and he busied himself with tidying up his papers in the bathroom. Within seconds, though, there was more shouting from the bathroom.

"Kit, did you throw up?" Lemony asked.

"Yes." Kit said, ashamed.

"Did you throw up yesterday?" Lemony asked.

"Yes." Kit said.

"How long has this been going on for, Kit?" Lemony asked.

"It's none of your business-" Kit began to say.

"Kit. I am your brother." Lemony warned.

"Seven months." Kit said quietly.


Kit fell to the floor, crying. Olivia quickly ran up to her and held her hand, realising it was the second time a Snicket had cried into her arms today. I approached Lemony.

"I appreciate your concern, brother, but if you ever yell at my twin again-"

"He will hug you." Olivia said from the other room. "He will hug you and you won't do it again. We will keep the peace." Lemony and I blushed at how stupid we had been to argue, and were shocked that Olivia had stood up for both of us at once. "Now," Olivia continued. "Time to sleep. We will ask for the Baudelaires in the morning and Kit can take it easy." Olivia resumed her  position on the floor next to Kit.

"Thanks for standing up for me." Kit said.

"No problem." Olivia replied. "Who is the father?" My ears perked up to listen. So did Lemony's.

"I'm in the dark." She told her. "And it was in the dark. Someone raped me and I found out I was pregnant too late." Lemony and I looked at each other, with genuine fear for our sister.

"I'm so sorry." Olivia said, and I realised she had said the same thing two days in a row, both times regarding to the Snickets. "Do you want to go to bed now?" Olivia asked her. "You take the bed, Lemony, Jacques and I will take the floor."

"Thanks." Kit said. "Goodnight."

I turned to Lemony and gave him the look which nearly always meant 'are you thinking what I'm thinking?'. In unison, we both said


Jalivia (Jacques Snicket+Olivia Caliban) ASOUEWhere stories live. Discover now