Jacques Point of View 3

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My feet began the climb up the steep wall. While I was used to activities like these, the training in my youth was exhausting, I doubted that Olivia was. Still, she handled it well, her body curving and adapting to the new position.

We reached the first window, but, as I expected, there was no sign of the Quagmires. We checked the second and third floor, but we still did not have an ounce of luck. Olivia persisted, though, which was something that I greatly admired. We had no luck whatsoever, even on the 46th floor of the building.

Sliding down the rope, in defeat, I tried to maintain a look of determination on my face. We walked back to the taxi in a disappointed silence which was only broken when Olivia chose to ask about my family. I had been avoiding this conversation, explaining the particulars of Lemony's death wasnt easy, especially considering it didnt make sense. I didnt want to talk about it, but I liked her. I liked Olivia. She deserved to know.

"I have a twin sister." I said vaguely. "Her name is Kit. I used to have a brother. One day he left and never came back. Presumed dead." I didnt say more. Those were the facts of the situation and that was what she had asked for. I didnt need to disclose more.

"I'm so sorry." So my cold, hard, facts didnt hide my pain. Great. I looked like a depressed idiot, leaning on the taxi and talking about death. I may as well have been an elderly relative that you lock in a retirement home so you dont have to deal with them.

"But, presumed?" She continued. "He could still be alive?" I wasn't surprised she took the optimistic approach. Her small smile was like a beam of hope, a beacon reminding that hope should never have been lost. I remembered why I liked her so much.

Quite frankly, I didnt have a response. I mean, who has a response for someone reminding you that hey! Maybe you arent super alone in the world! Maybe you could wake the frick up and do something about it!

"I have never thought about it that way before." I lied. Of course I had. Every night, curled in a ball, clutching a bottle of beer I had told myself that he could be alive. "Look for him with me." I opened the taxi door to let Olivia in, so she didn't have to see how angry I was at myself for being so impulsive. Not only was I a sad, depressed, clueless idiot but also someone who jumps straight into wild goose chases without a second thought- nice going Snicket.

"Okay." She said.


That was the moment I decided that maybe we could both be sad, depressed clueless idiots who jump together into wild goose chases.

She slid into the back seat and I followed after her, with an expression if both shock and delight.

And then, even though I had never kissed anyone ever before, I leaned in. And even though what I did was so flipping stupid I would never speak about it without needing to hit myself or blush badly, she leaned in too. Time slowed down like a dying clock, and I managed to over think everything in those few moments. Pulling away, I tightened my grip on her hand, and laughed at how well my stupid move worked out.

"Is it a bit late for this to be my first ever kiss?" I asked, laughing at what a loner I was before now.

"Nope." She responded. "Me too. Twenty five years late."

It was a good night.

Jalivia (Jacques Snicket+Olivia Caliban) ASOUEWhere stories live. Discover now