Jacques Point of View (Chapter 9)

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We rushed the Quagmires through the door and shut it.

"How did you get here, Quagmires?" Jacqueline asked.

"We don't know." Isadora said. "Olaf came to us screaming and told us to get in the car. Next thing we know, we were here."

"We are very happy you are safe now." Olivia told the children.

"What... happened here?" Duncan asked.

"A lot." I said frankly. "That's why Olaf was screaming."

"I burned him badly." Lemony said. "I burned him so he could feel the pain that your parents, and your brother, felt. I shouldn't have done it. It was wrong. It was prohibited. It was horrific and it was scary. It was-"

"Lemony." I said, cutting of from his never-ending  rant.

"It was unnecessary." He finished. There was a silence that lasted seemingly forever.

"Well. We need two more beds." I said.

"And a-a-a ccc cot." Kit said, her breath faltering.

"Kit?" I said, worried, as she fell to the floor. She couldn't stop gasping.

"Um, I will get a doctor?" Jacqueline said, unsure really of what to do.

"And I will take the children. Jacques, Lemony, look after your sister. We hope to hear good news soon." Olivia suggested.

I held onto my sister's hand and checked her pulse secretly. It was rapidly increasing and her breathing accelerated. Nothing felt comfortable- how quiet the hotel room was, besides Kit, and how I was currently stripping my sister from the waist down. The hormones got the best of my twin, and she began screaming incoherent rubbish.

"I hate you!" She yelled. " Get your hands off of me!"

"Kit. I am helping you." I said slowly. "Tell me your name."

"Kit, you moron!"

"How old are you, Kit?" I asked.

"The same age as you, idiot!"

"How old are you." I asked again.

"I CANT REMEMBER!" She yelled as loud as she could.

"How old are you?" I asked, once more.

"Forty." She said, calming down. Before she screamed again.

"Kit, my darling twin, you know I love you, but you need to listen to me. Once I have counted to three, can you push as hard as you can for me?" I questioned her, calmly.

"Okay." She whimpered. When my mental clock reached fifty seven seconds, I said

"One, two three." Kit screamed like she was being murdered, and although I have never gone through birth myself, I could tell that she was having the worse type. She screamed constantly, and I felt terrible having to view it. Watching your twin in pain is like watching your surgically  severed arm burn. After three long hours, Kit gave birth to a little girl. The hotel room was filled with wierd body fluids and Lemony started to clean up. I had to clean up my half naked sister and her fully naked daughter.  Lucky Lemony.

"Jacqueline." I said over the phone to her office. "How quickly can you get hold of at least one set of baby clothes and a large box of diapers?"

"I can be back to the room in twenty minutes."


Exactly as Jacqueline said, she was back in twenty minutes, with one large pack of diapers and a white baby onesie. After dressing up the tiny girl, I gave her back to Kit.

"What do you think you will call her? Lemony asked.

"Who do you love the most?" Kit asked. "Outside of our close family?"

"Beatrice." Lemony said.

"Olivia." I said.

"She is called Beatrice Olivia Snicket, then." Olivia grinned happily, and I realised how little attention I had paid her recently.

"Olivia, how would you like to go to the park?" I asked her, standing up to hold her hand.

"I would love that." She answered.

Kit and Lemony stayed in the hotel room, looking after Beatrice. Isadora and Klaus sat on the left corner of the park, Violet, Duncan and Sunny on the other. Olivia and I sat in the middle- keeping an eye on the  children and enjoying ourselves.

We laughed the entire night, and slept under the stars until morning. When Olivia woke up, we kissed until we were out of breath and our faces were sweating. We lay down, exhausted, holding hands.

"Olivia Caliban." I said lovingly, turning to face her. "You are the most incredible woman I have ever met, and I hope you feel the same way about me."

"Oh, Jacques." She said, looking into my eyes. "You are more perfect than anyone else in this vast world. I love you for that."

"And that is why I hope, even though I do not have enough for a ring, you would marry me. I know we have only known each other for two days, but I want to show my undying love for you before Olaf recovers, and it may be too late." I said, although it sounded cheesy and unoriginal. "Do you accept?"

Olivia looked into my eyes, tears welling in hers.

"Jacques." She said with a smile. "Of course I do!" We leaned into one final kiss of the morning. It was the most genuine one yet. It was wonderful.

Jalivia (Jacques Snicket+Olivia Caliban) ASOUEWhere stories live. Discover now