Jacques point of view 2

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"It's troubling, isn't it, two orphans kidnapped..." As if on cue, she dashed around to my window. It probably wasnt right for me to say that I was purposefully flirting with her, but it definitely appeared to be the case.

"How did you know I was looking for them?!" It was obvious that she was curious. Curiosity is a valuable characteristic in a volunteer, because this woman was absolutely a volunteer I was recruiting and nobody else. I was not trying to get her into my taxi for personal reasons. No way. Absolutely not. No sir.

"The taxi thing is just a day gig for me. I am also a member of an organisation." I could definitely stick to the organisation as a guideline to this conversation. Yes. Recruitment. I was there to recruit her, not flirt with her.

"A secret organisation?" She asked.

"If you know about it, maybe it's not a secret!" I replied. It definitely was not the standard response to a prospective volunteer. Professionalism was absolutely the way to go, not with satire or sarcasm or internal soliloquies.

"I have been doing some reading." She replied. I couldnt quite grasp how she was so good at not being a mess in normal conversations. It might have been because she wasnt overthinking it. I decided that was the best way to go, too.

"That's usually the first step." I responded, giving her a wink. Shoot. I did not mean for that to happen, but now her cheeks were blushing and she was trying to hide her face. I must have done something right. It took me a minute to resume to normal human behaviour, but once I did I opened the door. She sat down. We talked. It was ok.

"We will have to turn back." I announced suddenly. "Hold onto something sturdy. I felt her hand reach to my shoulder, gripping on tightly. I turned around and smiled. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment, before I remembered that I was driving.

We drove up to 667 Dark Avenue, where we were meant to be looking for the Quagmires and Count Olaf. Pulling into a lay-by, I began to speak again.

"It seems our sources are correct. Only Count Olaf would find the need to hide under a cloak."

As Olivia slowly released her hand from my shoulder, I got out of the taxi and helped her into a harness. It didnt help my thoughts from wandering where they werent meant to.

"I have a question about the safety rope." She announced.

"It attaches to your waist." I reminded her. I realised that was probably quite obvious a while after.

"Then what?" She asked. "The building? The fire hydrant?"

"Me." I answered, tugging on the rope, sending her into my arms. I could have cursed myself. I didn't.

"So, Jacques Snicket. We go down together." She said, looking into my eyes. Thank God.

"No, Olivia Caliban. We go up together."

Jalivia (Jacques Snicket+Olivia Caliban) ASOUEWhere stories live. Discover now