Olivia's Point of View (Chapter 8)

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Authors Note
Olivias POV, again? Really? Yup. She is much easier to write for aka I am lazy and tired. It's 10.15 pm. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Jacques and Jacqueline poured out the little money they had earned on the floor. It summed to about $360. We drove to the store and bought three beds, with two hundred and seventy dollars left. Kit and I bought plenty of cans of fruit soup and pudding. We also brought home a huge cake, and Kit swore not to eat it in its entirety on the way home. I had to put it in the trunk.

At around 3.30, the bank called us, warning of the Baudelaires quickly arriving arrival. Before we knew it, there was a knock on the hotel room door. Lemony took one look at Violet and had to sit in the bedroom.

"Hello there, Baudelaires!" Kit announced. "I am Kit Snicket, this is my twin Jacques, and my younger brother Lemony had to go and sit in the bedroom. Apparently you resemble your mother, Beatrice, too much. He might come out today."

"How do you do Miss Caliban?" Violet asked. "And you too, Jacqueline?"

"You can call me Olivia." I responded. "How are you doing Baudelaires?"

"We are fine, thank you." Violet responded. "We did just hear that Mr Poe would be fired, which we are upset about."

"We were with Mr Poe when he was fired." I told the children. "He yelled at Jacqueline to shut up and hit us both." The Baudelaire children stared in horror, while Violet put sunny down.

"Do you happen to own a spyglass?" Klaus asked. I watched as Kit, Jacques and Jacqueline all pulled out theirs.

"Lemony does too." Kit pointed out. "Olaf won't be able to get near you children, we will make sure of it."

"Everyone has said that so far." Klaus mumbled.

"We mean it though." Jacqueline said.

"I have taken the bed as my own." Kit noted frankly. "We bought three fold up beds for you, though. And a cake! Would you like a slice?"

"We are always precautious when it comes to eating food from other people." Klaus said.

Jacques looked down sadly to the children. "It is upsetting that you should have to worry about that. We will protect you from Olaf, we promise." As Jacques said that, there was a knock at the door.

Jacques looked through the hole And lifted his hand. Kit ran to the bedroom and forced Lemony out and the Baudelaires and me in.

"Look after them,you are unarmed." Kit said.

"And you are pregnant!" I retaliated. Kit left the room to join her siblings and Jacqueline. The door opened and an accented voice came through.

"Heeello." Olaf said.

"Hello sir." Jacqueline replied.

"I have came to colleeect thee childreen for the sports?" Olaf said. Jacques shut the door, locking Olaf inside.

"That man is count Olaf!" Violet whispered.

"We know!" I whispered back.

"We know it's you, Olaf." Jacques told him.

"Noo, eeets mee. Coach Ghengiiis." Olaf protested. I winced, hearing that name made me feel sick. Knowing Jacques was out there with him made it worse.

"Olaf, take off the turban. Take off the boots. You can't use a disguise twice." Lemony said.

"What if it is me?" Olaf asked in his normal voice. I was shuddering just hearing it. "What would you do about it?" I heard a smack and a loud shuffle.

"Get your filthy hands off of my twin!" Jacques yelled. Olaf seemed to go only for Kit, and there were loud screams. Violet must have seen the tears in my eyes and held onto my hand.

"Stop touching her!" Lemony shouted. "What is it that you want?" This snapped Olaf out of his madness. He must have let go of Kit, because I heard someone flop to the floor. Olaf walked to the bedroom, and the children were already under the bed. I pushed the door shut. There was a click, and Olaf yelled.

"You are burning me! Stop!"

"This is what they felt, Olaf! This is what you did to her!" Lemony said angrily.

"Lemony!" Jacques yelled. "Root beer floats!" There was another click as Lemony put down his spyglass. Olaf continued screaming and ran out of the hotel room, tail tucked beneath him.

I unpeeled myself from the door. Violet emerged first with Sunny, followed by Klaus. I screamed when I opened the door. Kit was bleeding from her scratches and so were her brothers. Jacqueline had passed out next to Kit and was just waking up. I dropped to Kit's side and Violet checked on Jacqueline. Klaus and Sunny made sure Jacques and Lemony were okay.

"What happened?" I asked Kit, who was sobbing silently.

"He got to me. He was like an octopus. He wouldn't let go." Kit said, her voice hoarse.

"It's going to be okay." I whispered, even though I had no idea if it would.

The four of us rotated, Violet to Kit, Klaus and Sunny to Jacqueline, and I checked on the boys. Jacques was calming Lemony down from his moment of madness. They were both mumbling incoherently about Beatrice and Olaf- his presence bringing back nightmares and memories. Jacques looked up, and noticed I was there.

"I was so worried that I would lose you. You were so brave." I praised him while hugging him tightly. Lemony stayed sat down, still speaking to himself.

When Jacqueline and Kit were up, we all touched base together.

"Do you see, Baudelaires?" Jacques asked. "See what he can do?" He signalled to Kit.

"What will he do to the Quagmires?" Klaus asked.

"Nothing good." Jacqueline said sadly.

"We need to find them." Klaus pleaded.

"We do." Lemony agreed. "But we are in the dark about where they could be. Anywhere from the Village of Fowl Devotees to outside the door." As Lemony spoke, there was a knock at the door. He checked through the hole and opened the door wide.

"Duncan!" Violet squealed.

"Isadora!" Klaus sighed in relief.

"Violet." Duncan smiled.

"Klaus." Isadora grinned.

"Quagmires." I completed.

Jalivia (Jacques Snicket+Olivia Caliban) ASOUEWhere stories live. Discover now