Olivia's Point of View (Chapter 11)

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Authors Note
"Olivia's Point of View AGAIN? Pls nooo." It is important to this chapter that it is her. Trust me.

I screamed again as Olaf came close to us. He walked up to Jacques with anger on his face.

"Give me back the Quagmires. Give me the Baudelaires!" He screamed, his voice cracking and arms wrapped in bandages.

"You will never touch those children." Jacques said firmly. "Never."

"Oh, Snicket." Olaf said slowly with a grin. "I will touch whatever I want." Olaf pushed his cracked hand against my chest, then slid it to my shoulder. He gripped on tightly.

"Get your filthy hands off of Olivia." Jacques snarled. "Now."

"Aww, do you have feelings for her?" Olaf asked mockingly. "Wouldn't it be a shame if she were to be, I don't know, pushed into a pit full of lions?" Olaf gripped onto both of my shoulders with more force, pushing me onto a wall.

"You creep!" I yelled. "You followed me in a moment of weakness and eavesdropped on our private conversation. Now you are pushing me into a wall threatening to do to me what you did to Kit!"

"I will not let him do anything like that to you, Olivia. Trust me." Jacques whispered. He stood next to me, his back against the wall. He held onto both of my arms. Olaf lifted his hands to move them to my breasts, and Jacques quickly dragged me downwards. Olaf's burned hands fell onto the wall, and he wailed. Jacques gripped onto my hand and pulled me backwards into an alleyway.

Our backs were pressed against the wall again, and we tried not to breathe. The scuttling of mice around our feet was unsettling, but Olaf was still stood mere meters away. The wailing stopped.

"Snicket. I know where you and your family are living. I can re-take the Quagmires like that!" He snapped his fingers. "But, worse for you, I can get my hands on that secretary, your sister, and your little love interest."

"Olivia is my fiance." Jacques hissed.

"Aww. I can get my hands on Violet, Isadora, and the little baby. Both little babies." Olaf said menacingly.

"You wouldn't dare touch those children. Sunny is an infant. Beatrice is a new born! Your daughter!"

"I will do whatever I want." Olaf concluded with a stupid menacing laugh. " And I will do it now."

"Run!" Jacques yelled, as Olaf appeared in the alleyway. But on reaching the other side, we noticed Olaf's Henchmen. All five of them. And Esme.

"Get away from us!" Jacques boomed, gripping onto my waist in panic.

"We will never get away from you!" Esme shouted in her high pitched voice. "Until I get what I want."

"What do you want?" Jacques cried, clearly more frightened than before.

"The blasted sugar bowl!" Esme screamed. "I want you to tell me exactly where it is before we come to you and kill you both- in front of each other."

"Olivia, there is a grate on the floor. Climb through and escape." Jacques whispered. "I will stay here."

"You said this to me in my dream, and you ended up dead!" I retaliated.

"It's too dangerous for you!"

"Too dangerous for you to fight alone. We are going down the grate together."

Jacques lifted the grate and we both jumped down. There was a scuffle above us, and we ran for our lives. The walls were narrow and the lighting was poor, but Jacques knew his way around in the dark.

When Jacques suddenly stopped, I bumped into him. We both screamed.

"Olivia," Jacques told me. "We can't go back to the room, but the children are in there!"

"Then we must go back." I concluded. "We must save our family." We climbed up the ladder and out of the grate above our heads. Olaf was already there. Closing the grate again, Jacques took my head into his hands.

"Will you still love me if I kill Olaf?" Jacques asked, his arms shaking.

"In a world too often governed by corruption and arrogance, it can be difficult to stay true to one's philosophical and literary principals. I will love you if I never see you again, and I will love you if I see you every Tuesday." I quoted.

"So, yes?" Jacques replied, confused.

"Yes." Jacques lifted the grate and clicked his spyglass to heat. It set fire to Olaf's clothes and hair, but strangely, not him.

"Fire-proofing." Jacques said. "It's what he wears so he doesn't burn when he sets fire to buildings, carnivals, headquarters. It hurts, but does no damage."

"But he is still alive?" I asked.

"Running for it." Jacques responded with a grin. "Let's get everyone to 667 Dark Avenue before Olaf comes back." We sprinted up the stairs and woke up the adults first.

"Jacqueline, call Mr Squalour." Jacques told her. "Kit, you literally need to do anything to stop Beatrice from crying. Lemony, Olivia, wake up the kids and start safely taking them to the penthouse. I will clean the room completely."

"Good evening Mr Squalour, I am so sorry to wake you this late at night, but we find it to be crucial to move to your penthouse immediately." Jacqueline said over the phone. "Yes, everyone. We can walk. Honestly, we can walk! It is ten feet away! Elevators are out, stairs are in, we know. Thank you ever so much! See you soon."

After the successful move, Jacques and I found an empty bedroom to sleep in together. We slept fully clothed with our arms around each other's necks.

"You could have been tormented by a horrible man today, Olivia. I am so happy he didn't get the chance."

"You could have been killed today. I am even more delighted that he didn't get the chance."

"You remain positive even in the most dire of circumstances. That is admirable."

"You are more than admirable. You are perfect."

"You looked flawless today."

"You always do."

Jalivia (Jacques Snicket+Olivia Caliban) ASOUEWhere stories live. Discover now