Olivia's Point of View (Chapter 13)

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"Hi, Lemony." Jacques said cheerfully. "Hi kids!"

"Good Morning Jacques." Violet said. All of the children looked nervous, knowing what I was going to say.

"I hate to be the bad cop," I said, their faces blushing, "But do you want to speak about last night now, or in private?"

"Umm." They said in unison.

"How about it's just us six?" Jacques asked.

"Okay." Isadora squeaked.

"Lemony, we are going to be having an interesting conversation about special energetic xerophytes. I know you find it boring so you can go and eat breakfast outside with everyone else."

"Sounds good!" Lemony said making a bee-line for the door.

"That was interesting." I said with an eye roll. "Now, let's talk."

"How do you know?" Violet asked.

"You are loud."

"We can explain..." Klaus tried.

"Explain then." Jacques said. There was silence.

"Maybe we can't." Klaus said, ashamed.

"Look," I pointed out. "We can't be mad at you. That would be hypocritical. But we can be worried. Did either of you use protection?" They all bit their lips as I passed Violet and Isadora pregnancy tests. "I just want you to remember that you are only thirteen, or fourteen in Violet's case, so you need to be very careful. Girls, take those tests and come back with them."

The girls left the room and Jacques spoke to the boys. "Look, we are not mad at you, even though we did seem it yesterday. If you did get the girls pregnant, just remember that you are all still very important to us, and we wouldn't change you for the world." Just as Jacques finished, the girls came back. Violet was crying. Isadora looked fine.

"Oh, Violet." I said, giving her a hug. "It's okay. It may be a false positive. Take another one in four weeks to check. You too Isadora." Violet cried into my arms and I tried not to myself. We didn't protect them well enough.

"Now," Jacques announced. "We won't bring this up to anyone else, but you have to promise to be careful and sensible. " Jacques passed both pairs a small pack of condoms and tapped me on the hand under the table. He had one for us. I smiled.

The children slowly left the room, but Violet stayed behind.

"Are you ashamed of me?" Violet asked, her tearful blue eyes staring up at me.

"You are young." I said. "You were bound to at some point. The fact is, Violet, those that mind don't really matter, and those that matter don't really mind. We will love you whatever choices you make, okay?"

"Okay." Violet sniffed, before giving me a hug.

"Now, we are getting married today! Do you want to watch, or you can just stay in your rooms."

"I will watch you." Violet said with a smile. "By the way, we did see you before and after Jacques proposed. You looked beautiful when you kissed."

"Thank you!" I said, smiling gratefully, before blushing red again.

"And, Olivia Caliban, do you take Jacques Snicket to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Lemony finally read off of the script.

"I do." I said with a smile, while holding Jacques hand. We were stood in the centre of the living room and the whole family was watching.

"You may now kiss the bride." Lemony said, grinning. We kissed properly in front of the children, and they smiled in support. When we released, I noticed the clapping coming not only from around us, but from the front door. The entire apartment complex had heard as and came to watch. As embarrassed as I was, I was also very grateful.

Walking back down our make-shift aisle, I couldn't stop looking at Jacques, who looked elated. He carried me back to the room, where Kit, Jacqueline and Lemony had kindly laid out rose petals in a heart shape on the bed.

"Ready for some fun?" Jacques asked.

"I'm buzzing with excitement. " I replied.

Jalivia (Jacques Snicket+Olivia Caliban) ASOUEWhere stories live. Discover now