T... for Treading!

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Chapter 2: T... for Treading!

The next morning,

A plate of jalebis was in front of her. The yellow swirls dripping with sugar syrup looked delicious. They were inviting her. Her mouth watered at the sight. She wanted to lose herself in those delicacies. She picked one jalebi and smiled dreamily. She moaned as the sweetness of the jalebis mingled with her saliva. She picked another one and was about to bite it when a certain husky voice stopped her from doing so. She decided to ignore the voice and continue enjoying her favourite sweet. The voice came again, this time with a greater force.

Wait. It sounded as if the voice was calling out her name.

"Babloo! Babloo! Wake up, meri bachchi."

It could not have been Arnav Singh Raizada's voice. How would he know her ridiculous pet name? "Babloo." She heard again. It struck her then. Only her father calls her by that name. She woke up with a start.

Where was her plate of jalebis?

She mumbled some incoherent words. Her father could grasp only two of them- "jalebis" and "gifts".

"Khushi, were you dreaming about jalebis, again? And you already want a gift? By the way, a gift for what?" Her father asked with an amused expression.

She looked at her father with a blank expression on her face, allowing the words to sink in.

"A gift for accepting this stupid name."

"Get ready quickly, Babloo." He said stressing on the name and left the room.

Damn! Why the hell was she dreaming about gifts and Arnav Singh Raizada's voice? All this was because of the previous night's call.

She checked the time and said, "Shit! I am late again and he will give me one sound lecture, after all I did the same yesterday," and dashed into the bathroom.


He was returning from his morning jog. He was about to enter his room when he decided to visit the person in the adjoining room. A small smile crept on his lips seeing the person. He saw her sleeping peacefully with her lips curved in an adorable pout. He stood beside her bed and ruffled her hair.

She shifted in her sleep and grumbled in a doused voice, "Let me sleep a few more minutes."

He stifled a smile. He knew she didn't like anyone disturbing her early morning slumber. Tugged at her duvet which exposed her body a bit, he slid his fingers and tickled her. Another fact she didn't like. Her body was extremely ticklish and she hated it.

She wiggled at the tickles and started laughing. He too joined her.

"Bhai, this is not fair. You cannot wake me up this way, you know how ticklish I am", she complained.

"I could not help it. Anyway, good morning to you too," he said pinching her cheeks.

"Good morning. But I am angry with you."

"Why? What did I do now?" He asked, confusion etched on his face.

"You were supposed to take me out on a dinner date two weeks ago because I had won the bet. And you don't have the time to talk with me", she pouted.

"I am so sorry, Chhutki. I completely forgot. The preparations for the launch are keeping me busy. Once this is over, I will take you to your favourite diner. Promise."


"Haan haan, pakka promise."

"Okay", she smiled gleefully and continued, "but for now you have to accept punishment for waking me up with tickles."

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