S... for Sugar & Spice!

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Chapter 7: S... for Sugar & Spice!

"Nikhil Khuranna?" Khushi shook her head in disbelief. He was here again, after all those years. God save me, she thought as he smiled wickedly.

"What are you doing here?" She questioned him, though she already knew a part of the answer.

"Well, I am doing or rather going to do whatever you have been doing and are planning to do here but the only difference is that I will do it much better." He replied smugly.

"Is it? I have already kidnapped five people and assaulted four and I am planning to kill the last one. You plan to do that better?" She smiled sweetly, maybe a little too sweet than necessary, raising an eyebrow (a certain someone's habit was definitely rubbing off on her).

NK threw a haughty glance at her and continued with his work and for the first time in history, Jalebi wanted to remain quiet and get on with her work. Yes, you heard it right! She wanted to work and not talk.

"Ah! Look who has decided to grace us with her presence." The sarcastic voice of Chilli hit Jalebi's ears.

She internally groaned at his tone. She could take all his insults alone but not in front of the pest, aka NK. Before she could utter a word, she heard NK say, "Good Morning Arnav. Thank you giving me the opportunity to do my internship at RHF. I cannot wait to start working and enrich myself with the knowledge and experience that RHF has to offer."

"Welcome to RHF, Nikhil", Arnav gave him a warm smile.

"Yeah, yeah, keep on buttering the pest", Khushi muttered under her breath as she observed their interaction.

"Now that both of you are here, let's get the work started. I want both of you to take an account of the recent launch and come up with the flaws as well as the high points of the launch. Be sure to leave it on my desk before 5 PM. And mind you, the meeting scheduled at 1 PM tomorrow will have inputs from both of your reports. Get that?"

NK nodded obediently at that and Khushi gave a careless nod, though her mind was urging her to do something better than the pest.

Khushi stretched in between. She was almost done with the work and it was only 3 PM. She herself didn't know why she was suddenly overworking herself. Maybe she wanted to prove her worth to Arnav in front of NK.

Arnav looked at Khushi who was immersed in her work. What is it that that made her work today? Maybe NK was the catalyst here. He was too eager to read her report and for a change maybe appreciate her. Appreciate her? Now where did that come from? He was wondering. He shook his head, realising that thinking about a certain Gupta will only mess his mind.

At 5 PM,

Khushi knocked on Arnav's door and on getting no response, peeked inside. She found his cabin empty. She left her file on the desk and admired his cabin. His cabin was tastefully done and it so reflected Arnav. The black and white interiors of the room were so Arnav. She sent a message to Arnav about the file and went back to her cubicle.

Where was NK? She wondered aloud. Maybe he had finished the work before her. She plopped herself on her chair and waited for Arnav.

At 6 PM,

"Come to my cabin NOW."

Khushi heard Chilli's booming voice over the intercom which went dead after those five words were said. She was confused and rightly so. Nonetheless, she followed his order. Maybe she had messed the report yet again. Frowning at her thoughts, she went inside.

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