E... for Euphoria!

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Chapter 8: E... for Euphoria!

Two years ago,

"Virat, please," she sniffed, "Don't do this to me. Please."

"Listen, babe. It is not that you are not beautiful, you are beautiful but..."

"But what Virat? You said just now that I am beautiful. Then why can't I be your girlfriend?" She said a little too dramatically.

"You.. you are beautiful but just not my type."

"Not your type! I am not your type?" She wailed loudly, making sure everyone present there could hear her voice. Virat looked uncomfortably at the weird and accusing looks that he was receiving from the people sitting around him. He placed his hand on hers and said, trying to be as gentle as possible with the stupidly annoying girl in front of him, "Stop crying, okay. People are looking at us."

She looked up and said, "So you are bothered about what people will think about you and not about my feelings at all. Fine then, if I cannot be yours then I am going to be nobody's." She had a painful expression on her face, eyes brimming with tears.

"What do you mean?" Virat asked confused and just before she could reply, he continued, "If you excuse me, I will go to the restroom."

"Is it that urgent? Can't you wait for few minutes? I will leave you permanently. I will end my life." She wiped her tears.

"WHAT!?" He said aghast. "Woman, you are crazy. Enough of your drama", he said, his voice rising due to anger.

"Virat, I am serious", she said sadly, "when you do not value my life, what is the use of living." And just like that, she ran to the lounge and stood a little too close to the edge of the railing. "Come on, you can do it. Bring out the actor in you", she muttered to herself.

She looked at Virat from the corner of her eyes and found him standing near the entrance with shock and a slight fear written all over his face. She smirked inwardly. She drew a long breath and leaned more and said a little too loudly for the people to hear, "I had loved you Virat, with all my heart. I cannot bear your rejection. I will die with all the happy memories that I have had with you."

After her sweet little suicidal speech had hit the heart of the people present at The Floatel, quite a few incidents occurred almost simultaneously. The manager along with two security guards rushed to her to save her. If the media got even a whiff of an attempted suicide, the owner of this beautiful restaurant cum lounge, which was designed like a boat, would not be ecstatic at all. She continued with her act of crying and fake resentment while the guards tried to bring her down from the railing. Through the corner of her eyes she saw Virat Patel being surrounded by men and guards. He tried explaining them that she was mad and needed treatment, but in vain. Someone punched him hard on his face and then asked the guards to take him away.

"Ouch! That might have hurt. That jerk asshole deserved it and several more punches", she thought and then stopped struggling and quietly got down.

It was then that she heard the voice.

"Are you alright?" The warmth in the voice and those three words sent shivers down her spine.

"Yes", she said, words barely coming out from her mouth.

The guards had left her. He held her arms gently and then led her to a nearby table. Pulling a chair out for her, he made her sit and then sat opposite to her. He extended a glass of water towards her and also asked the manager to bring a glass of juice for her.

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