T... for Tamasha?!

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Chapter 3: T... for Tamasha?!

Khushi entered the office with a lazy smile adorning her pretty face. She smiled at Arnav's Secretary, Sheena, who waved at her. Then, she found her friend, Tanya and waved at her. And then it was Rahul, Sumant, Shrishti... Well since the list of waves and smiles from Khushi seemed to be endless, Chilli decided to make his presence be felt. Jalebi was about to go out and greet the drivers too, for she had forgotten to greet them before and here as she turned, she collided with a very hard rock.


What followed after this "Aah" was a scene that was supposed to be straight from a SRK-Kajol starrer wherein the heroine loses balances and the hero catches her and an eyelock follows. But alas! What happened here was the heroine lost her balance and in the most unlady-like manner and grabbed the hero's hand to prevent any fall. Arnav, of course, allowed that little grabbing of his hand and nothing more. He never promised to be a gentleman, did he?

Khushi made herself steady as Arnav left her hand and followed Arnav without any questions. This did make Arnav wonder if last night's call had helped. Damn she is silent! That is the first success. Now here is where the question of whether Arnav knew Khushi at all arises.

Khushi made faces behind Arnav. When Arnav looked behind him to see if she was following him or if she again got busy with everything other than work, he found her giving her the most innocent smile while batting her eyelashes. Weird! He thought. And another round of how "obnoxiously handsome man" he was, was uttered by Khushi, which Arnav royally ignored. Oh how wrong he was in judging her silence. It definitely should have been something bad or flirty. Now, now Arnav did know her.

"Report?" He asked sternly. Khushi rummaged through her bag's contents to produce the very report he was asking for and the very same report which had been their point of discussion the previous night.

(Continuation of the phone call)

"What should I take? I already seem to love what I have been gifted with."

"Arnav Singh Raizada?"

The rest of the jalebi dropped from her lips and the hunger was long forgotten. Gift?Her eyes rounded at the realisation. Seriously? Gift? What gift did she give him? Her mind immediately took her back into the memory lane to zero in on any moment that involved her gifting him anything.

"Uh gift?! Which one are you speaking about?"

"Oh this looks like I have received more than one. But no I am speaking about the one I got at 7:00."

"At 7:00? Uh I did not send anything to you. How did you get anything at all from me? It isn't possible."

"Clearly shows. How did I expect that you will remember that?" His sarcasm tinged voice clearly hit the warning bells in her mind.

"Report." They both spoke at the same time, one with a voice mixed with surprise and confusion while the other with a voice laced with anger and frustration.

"Yeah the very same thing you call it as a report. What bloody nonsense have you mailed to me? It is so full of faults and mistakes. What were you thinking while typing it? You could have as well mailed it to your trash. I have already deleted it."

Khushi's frown intensified with every word Arnav uttered.

"What the hell? You called me at..." She stopped to check the time which showed 12:15 am. "Yeah at 12:15 at midnight to tell that a report is bad. Couldn't you tell it tomorrow? I am an intern, so I am learning it. You can't blame me."

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