T... for The 'K'!

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Chapter 13: T... for The 'K'!

It had been five days since Khushi had returned from the trip to Singapore, albeit happily. She was indeed a bit relieved having shared the deepest secret of her life with someone. She had never thought that she would ever share it with anyone, let alone Arnav but something about him made her speak her heart out. It may be because of his non-judgemental eyes! She was a bit surprised when Arnav asked her to follow her dream. She had imagined him ridiculing her. Instead, he had encouraged her to try and not back out due to fear of rejection. Instead, he had again suggested her to go ahead in fulfilling her dream after the internship was over.

Two days ago,

Before leaving, she had found Arnav with a sheet of paper. It was one of the numerous ones where she had drawn rough sketches of cartoons based on fantasies or real life situations. "Good to know that I am so much in your thoughts that you decided to make me the protagonist of your story", he said with his trademark smirk. Now, Khushi could never accept in front of Arnav that she spent ample amount of time about Arnav and their times during the Singapore trip and so the sketches of her male protagonist were undoubtedly based on him, could she? "Of course not. These are totally inspired by Ryan Gosling and not you." "Wow. I feel so honoured that you find similarities between Ryan Gosling and me." Arnav said, barely controlling his chuckles from turning into a full blown laughter. As he sobered, he said, "Khushi, these are really good." Her eyes had lit up. "Really?" she asked expectantly. Arnav gave her an assuring smile and said, "Yes. Not only are the sketches beautiful but the story is good too. Also they are very humorous. You should really think about pursuing this seriously." Her cheeks had shown a slight hint of reddish hue when Arnav had praised her. Of course Jalebi had not admitted it in front of Chilli.

"Kumaaariii, why are you blushing seeing the envelope as if it some love letter?"

Jalebi was snapped out of her dream land by NK's voice who still shared her cabin. Jalebi had a similar blush on her face as she had when Chilli had praised her. Oh! Why did this idiot have to burst my day-dream bubble? She thought. She slowly opened the envelope. After their return from Singapore, the interns had to prepare a report of the deal they had successfully sealed there. As usual Khushi was reluctant to finish it, especially when a wedding was round the corner. Yes, Akash and Pari were finally getting married. However, Khushi had decided to work (not to mention, grudgingly most of the times). It was all because of one obnoxious man, or rather, his words. "I trust you, Khushi." She was still trying to figure out why his words were having such a huge effect on her.

It was the last day at RHF as an intern. The envelope in her hand contained her fate, whether she would have to deal with stupid NK further or not. NK had already announced the whole office that he was now a permanent employee of RHF. In fact Jalebi was the first person to receive the news. He had also handed her envelope a few minutes back.

She rolled her eyes at NK and said, "Shut up NK. Don't you have any other work?"

"Come on, Kumaariii. Open the letter. Or are you afraid that you are no more a part of RHF?"

"Oh, please NK. Everyone here knows that my report was much better than yours."

"Huh! Overconfidence is not good, Kumaariii."

Though she boldly claimed that she was a better intern than NK but for once she wished NK's words to be true. She opened the neatly folded letter. Her mouth fell open as she saw the contents of the letter and unknowingly she muttered, "What the."


"God knows where this obnoxious man is." Jalebi mumbled along with chewing her favourite sweet, yes, the yellow swirls dripping with sugar syrup. Jalebi had intended to have a conversation with Chilli but he had been too busy with the preparations of his brother's impending wedding rituals. So she had decided to sulk and indulge in the sweet that was her namesake.

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