F... for Firsts!

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Chapter 15: F... for Firsts!

"One minute to go". A very, very excited Khushi looked at Arnav's cabin expectantly. But all she could see was darkness.

What was happening? He was there 30 minutes back! Maybe, maybe he is coming here. Happens!

"Twenty minutes late." She spoke out aloud to no one in particular. Of course no one was there in her cabin. Now that is a different story. Our usually impatient Jalebi was patient for a freaking 20 minutes. No, make it 21. The rambling takes a minute. With a huff, she strode over to meet his PA. Sheena was winding up her things and was ready to leave too. She told Khushi that Arnav had left an hour ago.

"What do you mean he left? Is he a ninja or something? How did he cross me?" Khushi muttered. How could he? Rude, obnoxious, not handsome, irritating... The words just kept coming into her mind as her fingers hit the "call" button.


"This is Arnav Singh Raizada and I am busy at the moment."

And the call went into voicemail. She hit the "disconnect" option sighing.

She dialled another number who might have some inkling about her bhai's whereabouts.

"Hi Khushi. What's up?" Avni Singh Raizada picked up the call at the first ring.

"Do you know where your Bhai is?"

"Bhai? You mean Arnav Bhai?"

"Avni, you know who I am talking about. I am very angry at the moment. Don't mess with me."

"Okay... okay... no need to shout at me. I was kidding. Why would you look for Akash Bhai, right?"

"So, do you know where he is?"

"Arrey, how will I know where he is? I am out on a date with Aman."

"Here one Raizada ditches me on our first date and the other one is enjoying hers. Hmph!" Khushi muttered to herself not loud enough for Avni to hear.

"Khushi, are you there?" She heard Avni.

"Yes and thanks. Enjoy your date. Bye."

An angry and disappointed Khushi went home half expecting Arnav to be waiting for her. Maybe he was the romantic type, after all. May be he would surprise her at her home. She tried to sound positive all along the way.

"Amma, I am home". A non-commital reply in return confirmed that Arnav had indeed not come. He really did ditch me. The nerve of him. Her mutterings of course continued.

For the first time, Jalebi had waited so patiently for someone and that someone had ditched her.


As Khushi disconnected the call, Avni smiled. She was having coffee with Aman to pass the time before movie.

"I know that sinister smile, Wakil Sahiba. Now what is cooking in your brain?" Aman commented as he watched his lady love tease Khushi.

"Nothing is cooking, Mathur. But looks like Khushi is frustrated with Bhai."

"When is she not? How did they end up kissing is what I wonder and you still have not told me how you found that picture of Arnav and Khushi kissing in Singapore. Also, why do I feel you had something to do about them getting engaged?" Aman narrowed his eyes while Avni just smirked and sipped on her coffee. Aman Mathur had spent enough time with the Raizadas to know what that meant.

"I knew it. You Raizada kids always have that know-it-all smirk on your face when you are successful. Now, out with it, please. I am dying to know how you trapped Arnav. He is always one step ahead of everyone."

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