E... for Electrifying!

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Chapter 11: E... for Electrifying!

"Are we done eating Ms. Gupta?" Khushi raised her bored eyes to meet Arnav's mischievous chocolate brown eyes. Wait! Where did the colour of his eyes come from? Of course look at him and you can see or rather notice all those details. I am just being observant. She convinced herself.

"NO, you are done eating while I am still eating." She said showing her Jalebis.

"Dessert. It is closer to the finish line."

"What is it, a race or something? It is FOOD." No one compares her Jalebi to some non-existent thing and gets away with it! She was furious and rightly so.

"Whoa! Slow down, will you?"

"Why are you here?" Khushi grew suspicious finding Arnav in her cabin.

"Secret time baby." He winked at her. Secret? What? No!

"What secret?"

"Ignorant are we, Ms. Babloo?"

She groaned and Chilli rightly enjoyed her frustration. Ever since that fateful day, when she had signed or rather verbally signed a deal with Arnav, she had been quite on edge. However, Arnav had not brought up this topic since a week. So she was relieved but well how wrong she was.

Chilli would not forget such an important deal, would he?

"So secret?" Arnav prodded.

Khushi's mind went on an overdrive. She had two secrets. Which one? Ha neither!

"I know how to sing."

"Is that even a secret?" Arnav raised his famous left eyebrow and looked straight into her eyes.

"My family doesn't know about that, so consider yourself blessed."

"Khushi I have heard you sing and for the sake of humanity, don't attempt singing, unless you want to murder someone."

"Are you here to taunt me?"

"Nah secret. One that no one knows."

"I know how to dance."

"Have seen you dance. Okay-ish. At least better than your singing."

"I know how to play badminton."

"Yeah have seen that too, how you can't even make that cork go past the net."

"I love food."

"Ah secret of the year! Next."

"I don't like dressing up."

"Not a fan of your dressing either. So next." Of course it wasn't Chilli who noticed her beige and pink Sari or right now he wasn't appreciating how good she looked in her peach shirt and black pencil skirt. Shh!

Khushi had definitely run out of options now.

"Come on. I don't believe Khushi Kumari Gupta has no secrets." Arnav coaxed her.

And when someone puts pressure on Jalebi, she panic and blurts out the truth. So this is how her carefully hidden secret was so stealthily unveiled by Arnav.


"What the hell was that?"

"You heard me."

"But I didn't understand."

"Your bad."

"Is it Babloo?"

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