N... for Nautanki!

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Chapter 9: N... for Nautanki!

Khushi was sitting in the office happily munching away her jalebis. It was lunch time after all, her favourite part of the day always. She saw Arnav crossing her cabin and going to his cabin when a certain incident from the past flashed in front of her.

10 year ago,

Avni sat down next to her Arnav during the lunch hours in the canteen. It was a tradition that was strictly followed by the Raizada siblings, as instructed by Anjali, Akash, Arnav and Avni this is the order in which they always sat down. Arnav and Avni were extremely close to each other, while Akash and Anjali were closely bonded. But this tradition had continued only till Anjali was in the school. But of course, Arnav and Avni continued sitting together for lunch. They were the famous bro-sis duo.

Why so much introduction for nothing? Well, the infamous meeting between the only A and A of the story is yet to happen and you are about to witness the historic meet.


"Haan Bhai."



"Avni for heaven's sake, look up from your food. You so remind me of that exasperating chocolate girl."

"Chocolate girl? Uh, Bhai her name is KKG!"

"Whatever. There is too much of kilogram but lack of some grams in her brains."

"Bhai, it has two K and one G."

"Erm if you guys are done with your heavy discussion."

"Uh! Avni, this is Aman."

"Bhai, our age difference is four years and I have known him to be your friend since I knew the idea of a 'friend'. So why this sudden introduction today?" Avni asked royally ignoring a certain Mathur.

"Well Aman suddenly realised that he was never formally introduced to you. So, this introduction."

"OH MY GOD Mathur! It is so nice meeting you!"Avni replied her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Stop being sarcastic Avni. You are perfectly suitable to become a lawyer. Wakil Sahiba Avni, how fitting!"

"Shut up Mathur! When you were pulling my plaits and irritating me to the core, didn't you realise we weren't formally introduced?"

"Erm...this is to close old books and open new ones." Aman raised a glass in the air.

"Mathur, put your glass of champagne down, see Principal Ma'am is coming. You are so gone." Arnav quipped.

"Mathur, she is looking at you." Avni added.

As soon as the words reached his ears, Aman almost made a mad dash to his class, when he realised he had no champagne. Heck, he had no glass in the first place.

Avni and Arnav burst out laughing at that. "Scared are we, Mathur?"

"So much for new books." Aman muttered as he caught Arnav still laughing and Avni smirking.

But his eyes did not miss a certain KKG passing by."Will serve Arnav right for joining with Avni." He thought.

"Hey Khushi." He waved at her, distracting the duo."Hey Aman."

And then, Jalebi's eyes landed on Avni, seeing whom a big grin spread on her face. But when her eyes moved to Chilli, the grin became a smile which transformed into a forced stretching of few muscles and lastly it ended in a big frown.

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