F... for Fun Begins!

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Chapter 4: F... for Fun Begins!

Akash paced around his cabin, deep in thought. "What to do? What not to do?"His phone rang and he mechanically accepted the call.

"What? No! This won't lead us anywhere. Do you understand? I am so fed up! I have work. Will call you later, when you would have calmed down and think straight. Don't start it again. Bye."

What the hell was happening with his usually happy life? He mused.

He rested his forehead on his palms trying to calm himself down. He needed to clear his head. His life was a mess right now.

He heard a knock at his cabin door. "Come in", he replied.

"Akash? Is everything okay?"

Akash lifted his eyes to meet a concerned Arnav. He composed himself immediately and smilingly said, "Yeah! I am alright. Do you need anything?"

"Uh.. No. I came to inform you that I am leaving for the launch site. Are you joining me?"

"Um.. no. You leave for the site. I will go there later."

"Okay, see you later then."

As soon as Arnav left his cabin, he received a text. The frown deepened. He immediately dialled the number, after all that number topped his list of favourites.

The person at the other side received it at the first ring.

"Look, I am sorry", Akash started, "I admit I was rude. I should not have shouted at you. It is just that there is so much pressure at the moment with the new launch. And you are being so persistent. Moreover, Bade Chacha is already suspecting something."


"Arrey, you are getting it all wrong. I never said that you are not important. It is just that I need some more time."


"Please stop crying, baby. I know you are upset. Can we please discuss this when we meet next?"

He was getting another official call and so he quickly wrapped up the present call.


Khushi slumped on the chair releasing a heavy sigh. Finally, our Jalebi got few moments of relaxation. From the time she had entered the launch site, Chilli had made sure that she never got a single moment to rest. She had enthusiastically said "Hi" to the models and was about to start a conversation as if they were her long lost friends but Arnav had barked orders at her to note down everything he was instructing. Hence, she had been following him like an obedient pupil until now.

She had never worked this much in her entire life. She thought. The more she worked, the more her stomach demanded food.

"Sheena, do you have something to eat. My stomach is rumbling." She said pouting.

"I have a cheese sandwich and a half-eaten apple", Sheena replied.

"Sandwich will do," Khushi said and grabbing it, stuffed it in her mouth. She moaned after taking a bite and said, "This is yummy. You are a sweetheart, Sheena but please don't tell Arnav about it, okay, or he will shout at me."

Sheena chuckled at her statement. "I don't know what buttons you push Khushi that Arnav Sir is always on edge when it comes to you. I have never seen him get this angry or rude with any other employee. Yes, he doesn't tolerate tardiness but he never scolds like he scolds you. It seems as if you have a special connection with him."

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