F... for Fool's Trap!

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Chapter 14: F... for Fool's Trap!

"A!!! Hmmm... And then she goes about telling that she doesn't like Bhai, there is nothing going on between her and Bhai!" Avni lifted her eyebrow, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Do all the Raizadas lift the eyebrows in the exactly similar manner? Of course Jalebi was not concerned about Avni but about the other Raizada because of whom she was in this awkward situation.

It was Akash Singh Raizada's mehendi ceremony. A few hours ago, Arnav had called her. The lady who was about to apply mehendi had asked Khushi the name she wished to write in her mehendi. Seeing "Arnav Calling" on her phone she had blurted out, "Arnav? Why is he calling me now?"

The call wasn't important, at least, not for our Jalebi. In fact, she had not even bothered to take the call. However, that had not stopped the lady from assuming that our Jalebi wanted Arnav's name to be written on her hands. And that is how the letter 'A' had been imprinted on her left palm. Unfortunately, the person who had discovered it (even before Khushi) was none other than the smart and witty Avni Singh Raizada.

"Avni... you are getting me all wrong. A is for my favourite actor, Akshay Kumar!" She tried to put on the sweetest face trying to convince Avni.

"Really Khushi? From when did Akshay Kumar become your favourite actor? As far as I know, your favourite actor is Ranbir Kapoor. Everyone knows that. The way you go on gushing and fangirling about him."

"Arrey! Can't a girl have more than one favourite actor?"

"Yes, she can, definitely but not when the actor becomes her favourite all of a sudden."

Damn! Another trait of these Raizadas. Why did they have to be so smart? "Avni, this is not fair. You too didn't tell me about your relation with Aman." She tried changing the topic.

"So you are admitting that you are in a relation with Bhai. Am I right?"

"Ah. Yes. We are in a relation", she paused and then added with a solemn look on her face, "We share a relation that an employer and an employee share. You know I am now working full-time at RHF. Happy?"

"Yeah, very happy. Just like Aman is just Bhai's childhood friend, you are just working under Bhai. I get it."

With that she grinned like a chesire cat and Khushi was left speechless yet another time.

Ever since the discovery of their "kiss", Avni, Anjali, Aman and Payal had left no stone unturned to find reasons to tease them. It was difficult to understand whose marriage was happening and who were getting teased.


"So, I was right. You actually want to be Shashi Sir's ghar jamai?"

Arnav just rolled his eyes at Aman's comment.

"Come on. Just rolling your eyes won't let you off the hook, buddy. You and Khushi never got along well. How did this happen?"

This thought had been bothering Chilli too. How indeed did this happen!

While these two avoided being smeared by haldi, the rest were not.

"Khushi, no. You are not going to apply so much haldi on me."

"Avni ki bachchi, did you listen to me when I asked you not to apply?"

After applying haldi to Akash, Avni had playfully applied haldi on Khushi. Well, our Jalebi was not the one to sit quietly. She too was running behind Avni to apply haldi on her.

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