A Note

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Hey everyone!

Firstbof allreaders, a big thank you to all the new who have decided to give this story a shot. 🤗🤗

Now, an apology. I know I should have informed before but I thought I would be able to update the story this week. Unfortunately, college schedule is extremely hectic and I am swamped with assignment submission deadlines. 😫😓😢

I am extremely sorry that I have to keep you wonderful readers waiting. Trust me, I know how it feels when the writer disappears without a note.
😐 However, I am helpless right now. I hope you understand. ☺

The story has 6-7 chapters left. I shall try my level best to post a chapter in this month. However, 'try' is the key word here. 😂 Rest assured, I will update this from mid-October when I have a month holiday. 😄

Hoping to see you guys soon! 😊


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