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Niklaus's POV

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Niklaus's POV

I am a curse on this world. For sometime now my body has laid in darkness.My mind haunted by the past, the agony is never ending and amid all my pain I recall a poem that whispers truth into the void.

I was angry with my Friend,I told my wrath my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe, I told it not my wrath did grow and
I watered it in fierce night and morning with my tears and
I send it with smiles and with soft deceitful wilds and
It grew both day and night till it bore an Apple bright and
my foe beheld it shine and
he knew that it was mine
And into my garden stall with a knife that veil the foe
in the morning glad i see my foe outstretched beneath the truth

I can't believe that the man I used to call son, the one I cared like If was my own blood, betrayed me like this...

I've lost the count of how many days, I've been stuck on this wall, I know it's been a long time, once Marcellus put me stuck in this wall, he never looked back and I had to stay here, alone with my my thoughts and demons, the only thing that kept me from being sane was knowing that all this was temporary and that would be the only way to save my family and protect my littlest wolf. When I wasn't being haunted by visions of my past and my fears that were caused not only for the loneliness but also for the Papa Tunde's blade, I was having visions of Caroline, the beautiful woman I met in Mystic Falls who intrigued me since day one and with time made me develop feelings and find the side of me that I thought was long gone, the side of me who still had humanity left.

I wonder what Caroline might be doing now at this moment, the last time I heard of her was when Stefan come to town when he was on the run, Caroline just had gave birth to two baby girls and was dating Stefan, I remember that phone call that we had, was short but I replay it in my head over and over again. She kept saying they weren't her kids and she was truly nervous, just like I was when I held my Hope for the very first time... I'm sure Caroline stayed raising the baby girls, I know Caroline Forbes and she would not be able to just walk away from two baby girls who she carried in her womb for 9 months... I still cannot believe that Stefan thought of that possibility. I wonder if they are still together... I wonder if Caroline knows about me being prisoner from the person I cared like my own son, my own blood... I wonder if Caroline ever thinks of me even after all this time... I wonder how old my baby girl is now... I wonder if she asks about me... I wonder what she knows about me... I have so many questions but all I get in return is more silence and questions.

All my thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone smashing against the wall, making a big hole, then I saw the silhouette of a person getting inside, quickly the person went to my side... when I heard the noise I thought it would be Marcellus to gloat but it was Caroline, making me wonder if this was all an hallucination from the blade.

"Klaus... Long time, no see. You don't look great... no offense." Caroline whispered and then looked at me, I tried to move or say a word but all I could do was groan, she quickly put her hand on my mouth so I wouldn't make a noise. "What do you think you are doing? If someone hears us, we are completely screwed. Can you at least hear me? Blink twice for a Yes." She said and so I blink twice, because blinking was still a movement I was able to do. "Great. I am now going to take the blade out of you but you can't talk. When we get to the car we can talk about whatever you want but right now you need to be quiet and just do what I say, instead of acting all alpha male like you do. Can you do that?" I wanted to roll my eyes but I was also happy to see her here helping me so I just blinked twice. "Perfect!"

Caroline smiled to me, then took a deep breath and took Papa Tunde's blade out of my body, while I tried not to groan.

"Welcome back! Now let's go!" She said and when I got up, I felt myself weak and about to fall down from weakness but Caroline catch me. "I guess today, I'm the one saving you. I think after this we get even."

I couldn't help smirk with her comment. She was still like the Caroline I knew, although not completely, she seemed slightly changed... for the better. She seemed more sure and confident of herself.

"Came on! Work with me!" She said while she dragged me to the car, once she put me on the seat next to the driver, after giving me a blood bag that was in her bag, she closed the door and vamp speed to the driver's seat and started to drive.

"Where are we going?" I asked after drinking all that was left in the blood bag, feeling my energy and power slowly coming back.

"Out of New Orleans... I'm taking you to your daughter." Caroline said with a smile and a reassuring look then looked back at the road.

AN: Hey guys! What do you think? If you have any ideas/suggestions for this book that want me to know, I see all the comments and if you prefer you can always pm me.

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