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Caroline's POV

I noticed Klaus and Hope talking when I passed by the window and I couldn't help but smile at that image. The way he looks at his daughter it's so beautiful, everyone can see she is his whole world. I then went to the kitchen to see what I was going to make for lunch, when Hayley appeared.

"Hey, Hayley! Is everything okay?" I asked, closing the door of the fridge.

"Yeah, I just wanted to ask you if it was okay, lunching together..." Hayley said.

"Yeah. Why do you ask? You know you are always more than welcome."

"Yeah but now there's more people."

"Don't worry. I'll make some extra." I said with a smile and she gave me a smile but seemed to be hiding something.

"What's going on?"

"Fine. I'll tell you. Elijah and I talked last night and... it's been 5 years and... we decided to break up."

"I thought you love each other. I thought it was an epic love."

"And it was but... things changed, I changed. Things between me and Elijah are all so complicated and... I have a daughter and I don't need things to be complicated."

"Love can always be complicate. What's the real reason?"

"Okay... The truth is that I love Elijah but I'm no longer in love with him."

"And how did he react?"

"He was understanding..." Hayley said with a distant look.

"Don't worry. Everything will be alright." I said and hugged her.

"Hello, there! Look what we have here? Did you girls decided to practice kissing?" Kol asked when appeared.

"Kol... it's nice to see that you are alive. I'm really sorry for what happened." I said.

"And by what happened you mean you and your little friends planning on killing me or the fact that I was now on a box for five years?" Kol asked.

"I was never part of the plan. Believe me." I said, he then looked at Hayley who nodded, then looked at me.

"Fine. I am not one to hold grudges. That's Klaus's expertise." Kol said with a smirk.

Hayley and Kol stayed awhile talking with me and I presented Kol to the girls, then appeared Rebekah, Elijah and Freya who I also presented to my beautiful daughters, I got to know a little bit about Freya, the lost sister, I also manage to make Elijah call me Caroline and I talked a bit with Rebekah and we decided to put our rivalry in Mystic Falls and just make truces and try to be friends, which ended up being easier than I thought.

"Lunch is almost ready!" I told them.

"I'm going to call Klaus and Hope." Hayley said.

"It smells delicious, Caroline." Elijah said.

"Thank you." I said then asked. "Can you stay here while I call Ric and the girls?"

"Sure." He said and I gave him a smile as a thank you.

I went to the girls rooms and I caught them having a tea party with Alaric and he was wearing a big pink tutu and a tiara.

"Hi! I'm sorry to interrupt this tea party but lunch is ready."

"Okay!" The girls said with a small smile.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you... Hope and her family are going to lunch with us." I said.

"Yeayy!" They yelled happy and ran out of the room, making me smile.

"Why didn't you told me this before?" Alaric asked with an upset tone.

"I didn't thought it would be a big deal. Hope and Hayley are most of the time here, and usually when they aren't here we are at Hayley's place." I said.

"Because it was Hayley. Now we have all the Mikaelson family and mostly important, Klaus. Klaus is dangerous! How can you let him be around our daughters?"

"He won't hurt our daughters!"

"Even if he won't hurt them directly, who can tell me he won't hurt them in some other way. Besides, everywhere he goes there's darkness and chaos following him."

"Funny you mentioning that, since you said the same thing to me." I said now angry.

"It's different. You are not like Klaus. Klaus has enemies all over the world, people who want revenge. He did horrible things to families. How can you be so sure that all his past won't come back to haunt him and in the middle our girls will get hurt."

"First of all, this is just a lunch. And secondly, you know very well that whatever dangers there is in Klaus's world is also connected to the girls. They are the only ones from the Gemini Coven and they will face dangers, even if you don't look away, dangers will always come finding people from the Supernatural world. You should know that." I said trying to be as calm as possible.

"You're right. But I still don't like Klaus here." Alaric said, making me roll my eyes.

I went downstairs with Ric and I saw Elijah putting the plates in the table.

"Elijah, you don't need to..."

"It's the least I can do. We are guests in your home after all. Thank you for your hospitality."

"God, Lijah! Could you be any more formal?" Kol asked and they all quietly laughed, except Elijah who just shrugged.

We all served ourselves and then we ate while talking with each other, Elijah spend most time talking with Klaus, Rebekah was talking with me and Hayley, Lizzie and Josie were talking mostly with Hope and Alaric sometimes talked with me and Hayley. During this lunch I felt Klaus's eyes on me and some of those times I couldn't help look back at him and look deeply in his beautiful blue eyes, of course Rebekah and Hayley always made me get back to reality and got back to talk with them while Klaus looked at me and smirked.

AN: Hey guys! What are you thinking about the story so far? What were your thoughts about Hayley and Elijah breaking up? And about Alaric being upset with Caroline for letting Klaus lunch with them? If you any suggestions or opinions or remarks about this book, feel free to share in the comment or if you prefer you can always pm me. Thank you so much to all of you who have been giving me your support by voting/commenting and also for keep reading. I feel very lucky to have your support. Love you guys! ❤️

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