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Rebekah's POV

Stefan took me to the beach where there was prepared a table where we enjoyed a nice dinner and now we were walking by the sea, feeling a bit of water running through our feet and I noticed Stefan was not a little bit weird.

"Stefan, are you okay? You seem off..."

"Yes. Everything is alright. Actually, ever since you accepted to give me a second chance, everything has been perfect." Stefan said, now stopping walking and make us be face to face. "I have a gift and a question for you."

"Okay..." I said not exactly knowing where this was going to end up.

Stefan took a small box from his jacket and when opened it I saw two small capsules that were red.

"Whats this, Stefan?" I asked confused.

"I love you and I want you to be happy and everything you ever wish for so I think it's more than time for you to have the two last doses of the cure. One for you and another for the man you want to spend the rest of your human life with." Stefan said and then added. "Now my question is..." he kneel down and took another box from the jacket and when it open revealed a diamond ring. "Will you make me the happiest man in the world and accept to have a human life filled with all the good and bad parts that comes with? Will you marry me?"

"Of course I will!" I said with my eyes tearing up and after he put the ring on my finger, I hugged him tightly as he sprung me around, making me giggle.

"This is our second chance for us to be together and I won't let you down. I love you, Rebekah Mikaelson."

"I love you too, Stefan Salvatore." I said and we kissed passionately.

" I said and we kissed passionately

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Elena's POV

Elijah took me to a fancy restaurant, which he deserved. That's right, Elijah reserved an entire restaurant just so we could have dinner, there was rose petals all over the floor and the balcony, our table had a jar filled with beautiful roses and we were by the candle lights.

"Elijah, you truly didn't had to do all of this. You know I don't care where we spend time... I just care that we are spending time with each other."

"I know, Elena. You aren't materialistic, you are far from that... You are the most incredible woman I ever known. You know, the day I first saw you, I find you beautiful and thought you were going to just use me for your own safety because Niklaus wanted to kill you for his sacrifice but since we got to know each other, I realized that I was just assuming that because it was something Tatia or Katerina would go but you... You might look like them but you are different from them, you care about your family and friends, you are supportive, you are in a noble career because you care about everyone wellbeing, after all that you went through you still have a big heart. I believe that when we met we weren't meant to be together but life gave us a second chance to find each other and now I don't want to let you go ever again." Elijah said and then got on one knee. "Elena, you have made me the happiest man in the world. I know one year is not long in a vampires years but I have been here for a thousand years and I can tell you for sure that I never felt like this about anyone before. I never loved so much as I love you. So... Elena Gilbert, would you give me the honor of being your husband?"

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