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Caroline's POV

I was preparing breakfast for Alaric, my daughters, Hope and for Elena and Bonnie who happened to ask me to talk to me.

Hayley spend the time here and was now going to leave. She and Alaric seemed to be closer than ever.

"It was really fun last night..." I heard Hayley said.

"Yes, I really enjoyed the company... Maybe we could do that again...?" Alaric asked.

"Yes, I would love to." Hayley said and he smiled, then she left.

"Is it me or there's something between you and Hayley?" I asked with a smile.

"What? No, that's crazy! We are both parents, we don't have time to date." Alaric said and I gave him a look. "Look, Hayley and I are just good friends and last night we just watched movies, it wasn't that big deal..."

"You know usually during watching movies things start happen..." I said with a smirk.

"Didn't happened between us." Alaric said. "I'm gonna wake up the girls."

Suddenly I heard someone knocking on the door, I opened it and saw Elena, Bonnie and Rebekah.

"Good morning, girls!"

"Good morning, Care!" Elena and Bonnie said at the same time and got in.

"Good morning, Caroline! I hope you don't mind me crashing your breakfast." Rebekah said.

"Of course not." I said with a smile.

We all had breakfast and then I took Elena, Bonnie and Rebekah to my room so we could speak without anyone listening to our conversation.

"Girls, I need to talk to someone about this... Something happened between me and Klaus after the game." I said because I couldn't keep that to myself, I needed to hear what they had to say about it.

"What happened?" Bonnie asked.

"When we went to sleep, Klaus started to kiss my neck and he drank from me. I was okay because of the dare to drink from him..."

"How did it felt?" Elena asked.

"It felt unbelievably amazing! I mean as he drank from me, I felt more desire and made me want to rip his stupid clothes off and just have my way with him. It was pretty intense."

"What happened next?" Rebekah asked with a smile.

"We kissed."


"And after that we went to sleep."

"Really, Care?" Elena asked, clearly expecting more to happen.

"What? I kissed him. And I knew I would be freaking out today so I thought I should stop myself from having incredibly hot sex with him." I said. "Anyway, that's enough about me. How about you, Elena? How was finally kissing Elijah?"

"That was just a dare so probably didn't meant a thing for him..." Elena said.

"Came on, Elena! He likes you and we all can see it!" Bonnie said.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure my brother likes you. I believe that he is only being able to have so many game nights because it's an excuse to spend more time with you." Rebekah said, making Elena blush.

"Just tell us. How was the kiss?"

"It was really really good! No one has ever kissed me like that..." Elena said with a smile and then she said a little shyly. "I kinda wish we would kiss again."

"Why don't you tell him that?" Rebekah asked.

"What if he says he just sees me as a friend? I wouldn't know how to face him again." Elena said.

"He wouldn't do that." Bonnie said.

"Since we are talking about kissing... How about you telling us how was kissing Kol?" Elena said with a smirk, finding a way to change subject but I was also curious.

"It was... Kol..." Bonnie said blushing and trying to be vague.

"That means it was good." I said with a smirk.

"Fine, It was. I never have been kissed like that but he is a thousand years old and still acts like a kid. Kol probably just has a small crush on me... Kol and I would never work."

"How do you know? I mean, yes, he can be very childish but maybe you are missing a little of that in your life." Elena said.

"Yes, and my brother does really like you. I mean he is always talking about you, he will get upset if Klaus referes to you as 'the witch' and the way he looks at you and acts when you are around are just yelling that he is into you." Rebekah said, making Bonnie blushed.

"Maybe... I don't know." Bonnie said shyly. "How's things going between you and Stefan?"

"I think they are going great." Rebekah said with a smile.

"Yeah, He is so into you!" Caroline said with a big smile, happy to see his best friend in love again, and to someone who likes him too.

The girls spend the rest of the morning talking about their love lives and their love interests while supporting each other to give a chance to their love.

AN: Hey guys! What do you think of the chapter? I hope you liked it. I tried to make one with the girls talking about what happened the night before. We saw the guys, so I thought now was time for them to be the ones talking...

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