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Elijah's POV

I needed to take a pause from that game that Damon choose that we could play, since I saw Elena giving a lap dance to Damon, I couldn't help but reliving that in my head and I hated the feeling. I was now at the basement.

"Elijah... hey! Is everything okay?" Elena asked.

"Yes, I was just looking for blood bags." I said.

"Are you sure you are okay? You seemed kinda distant during the game. You can talk to me if you want to." Elena said, being the kind person she is but every time I looked at her my mind went back to when she was giving the lap dance to Damon. "What are you thinking about?"

"You don't want to know."

"Maybe I do. You don't know. Come on! Try me."

"Alright. I don't understand why you choose to give Damon a lap dance instead of taking an item of clothing." I admitted.

"It was a dare and I didn't... Wait. Why should I give explanations to you?" Elena asked now upset.

"You don't. You asked me what I was thinking about and I told you. My apologies if I sound rude or if I seemed inappropriate."

"Why were you thinking about that?" Elena asked.

"Because... I believe we've become closer since my family and I started to live here... I thought you weren't the kind of woman who just gives a lap dance to some man."

"Hey! You might be a vampire with 1000 years old but you have no right to talk to me like that!" Elena said now upset.

"Elena..." I called her when she was about to leave and I grabbed her wrist, making her turn around to see me. "I'm truly sorry. I didn't meant to get you upset."

"Then why did you said that?" She asked.

"I am not sure. It was wrong of me. I guess I just think you might have feelings for Damon and I believe you deserve someone much better than Damon." I said and she stayed looking at me. "I think you deserve a good person who does everything to see you happy, who is a good person and who you can count on... no matter what..."

"Good thing that I don't have any unsolved feelings for Damon..." She said with a small smile.

"You don't?" I asked surprised and she shook her head with a smile, then hold my hand and took me back to the living room.

By this time, everyone had already an item of clothing off, and they were all pretty drunk.

Klaus's POV

"Klaus, I dare you to kiss the girl you think it's the hottest one." Stefan said with a smirk because he knew who that person was.

I looked at Caroline who was looking at Elena. I don't even understand why she has this idea that Elena is more beautiful than her.

"Love..." I said making her looked at me and then I kissed her.

At first was just a peck in the lips but then we deepen the kiss and she got on my lap while we kissed, she even pushed my curls while kissing me, making me groan.

"Alright. Please stop before I throw up." Kol said.

"Yeah, I don't need to see my friend and my brother doing it... It's just too gross..." Rebekah said, making Caroline blush and I just smirked.

With that kiss I had the confirmation that she wanted me almost as much if not as much as I wanted her. But just because she wanted me, didn't meant she was ready to be with me... although that didn't matter because I do intend to wait for her... I don't care if it takes years or centuries or even millenniums... I'll wait for her however long it takes.

AN: Hey guys! If the Elejah scene isn't good, I'm sorry... I'm really new in writing about Elijah... I know this chapter was just focused on 2 ships but I hope you did like it.

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