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Niklaus's POV

We just had finished lunch and now Lizzie and Josie, Caroline's kids, were asking me questions about me.

"Is it really true that you are a werewolf and a vampire?" Josie asked.

"How long do you know mommy?" Lizzie asked.

"Would you prefer to be known as hybrid or werepire?" Josie asked.

"I saw a drawing you made. Do you like mommy?" Lizzie asked.

"Girls, Klaus just got back. Don't you think it's better give him some time to breath." Caroline said, running to them when heard Lizzie's question.

"I'm sorry." The girls apologized.

"It's alright." I said with a smirk.

"How about you go make some company to Hope?" Caroline asked and the two girls ran to Hope. "I'm sorry for them bothering you with all those questions. They heard a lot about you because of Hope and then Hope also asked me to tell her stories about you so the girls ended up becoming curious about you."

"I understand." I said with a smirk and Caroline smiled to me.

"I better start washing the dishes." Caroline said looking down at the plates.

"Would you like some help?" I asked when I saw her taking the plates to the sink.

"No, it's fine. You just got here. This is the last thing you want to do."

"Well, that depends who is my company. If it's you... I would never say would be the last thing I wanted to do." I said and she blushed, which made me smirk.

We started to wash the dishes in silence but it was a nice silence and I noticed how even washing the dishes, Caroline looked like a queen.

How I wished she would be my queen...

"Caroline, may I talk to you... in private?" I asked when we finished washing the dishes.

"Sure." She said and took me to a room, which I quickly realize it was her room. "What did you wanted to talk about?"

"I heard your argue with Alaric. I never wished to cause you any trouble. I know you have your life here and I'm sure you don't want me here to get in the middle of you, your daughter and Stefan."

"You don't need to worry about Stefan... we are no longer together."

"I'm sorry..."

"You're smiling." Caroline said, making me realize that I couldn't help myself from smiling with this new information.

"Did he hurt you?" I asked now serious because if he had hurt Caroline, the most incredible woman I ever met, I would make him pay.

"No. We just realized that we were better as friends." Caroline said. "And you don't need to worry about Alaric. You are now being a good father... and what you did for your family showed that you are being good, which was all I ever wanted you..."

Caroline stopped herself from saying the rest but it was clear what she was going to say and all I wanted to do was kissing her and promise her that I will be good and that I will do whatever it takes to have her in my arms. I leaned in and she leaned in a bit but then she just rest her forehead on mine, while I felt her scent and enjoyed being close to her.

"I better go see the girls." Caroline said, taking a step back and I just nodded.

I felt that she was enjoying our moment almost as much as I did but I also realized that she is not ready to be with me and I will wait for her, I might not be known for my promises but this isn't just any promise and I do intend to be Caroline's last love, I don't care if I'll have to wait a century or a millennium, I'll wait however long it takes.

I felt that she was enjoying our moment almost as much as I did but I also realized that she is not ready to be with me and I will wait for her, I might not be known for my promises but this isn't just any promise and I do intend to be Caroline's ...

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AN: Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story so far. I was wondering which ships, which friendships and which characters you would like to see here. You can say it in the comments or pm me. I know you already gave some of your suggestions and I would like to now more about what you would like to read on my book. I haven't write a story with this many characters in awhile and when I did I end up by not focusing much on a few characters. In this book I would like to also focus on other characters besides Klaus and Caroline and I would appreciate your help. Thank you so much for all the support you've been giving me. Love you guys! ❤️

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